
Santa Monica, California, United States  
Heavyhannah 6 years
It's official. I look pregnant. How do i know? Because someone asked me today... yes, seriously. And to be totally honest It felt good to say: Nope, just gained a bunch of weight and getting fat.
Johnxyz 6 years
Start wearing maternity clothes and really shock people.
Heavyhannah 6 years
When you had a really long flight and you came in too late to eat but you're still happy cause your belly is still there
Heavyhannah 6 years
A lot of you are saying that belly drops are great but that I should enjoy every different phase of this and you're right. Enjoying being all belly right now with it sticking out straight. Though I am starting to feel my thighs get thicker this days and m
Growingsofter 6 years
You're a beautiful young lady with a sexy potbelly. Good for you.
Heavyhannah 6 years
my favorite crop top from before I gained all this weight still kiiiinnnd of fits but I have a feeling that it won't for much longer.
Heavyhannah 6 years
Everybody! I turned 25 today! It's crazy. I feel like an old lady. So after dinner with my wonderfully supportive sister all I felt like doing when I came home was being young and fat and sexy
Heavyhannah 6 years
Feeling extra heavy after a big lunch today. I feel Like carrying around all this extra fat on my belly is starting to make me woddle a little. I've never actially measured my belly before but will next week. What do you think I'm at right now?
Heavyhannah 6 years
Was playing around on snapchat last night and found a filter that makes you look fat and tried it out on my belly. I'm thinking of gaining another 30. How much do you think this gain would have to be to get here?
Fat18s 6 years
the boobs will grow as you get bigger hehehhe jokes but i agree with callBR549 more then 30 i would say 50 then stop
Heavyhannah 6 years
Also going to want to stay away from empire waste dresses with ties that use to actually be completely loose on the bottom but now just stretch against your belly and make the dress look inches shorter than it's supposed to
Heavyhannah 6 years
This dress on the other hand made me realize how bad I'm starting to need new clothes. It was pulling hard against my tummy and I knew that if I wore it to work i'd end up with someone rubbing my belly and asking me when I'm due.
Heavyhannah 6 years
Lesson of the day: loose on the bottom dresses are going to be be a better way to let people adjust to my growing belly
Heavyhannah 6 years
weightgain forum
Belly finally rolling over
Heavyhannah 6 years
new topic in fat experiences forum
Maybe this is crude
Maybe this is crude and please forgive me if it is but I was wondering what people can say about gaining weight's effects on my *ahem* lady parts? Does it make you feel tighter, looser, exactly the...
Heavyhannah 6 years
lifestyle tips forum
Itchy burning tummy and sides!
Heavyhannah 6 years
lifestyle tips forum
Itchy burning tummy and sides!
Heavyhannah 6 years
new topic in weightgain forum
Belly finally rolling over
How can you tell when your belly is finally going to stop ballooing out straight and just roll over instead? What are the signs it's about to happen? I'm starting to get a line on the sides of my ...
Heavyhannah 6 years
weightgain forum
new to gaining
Heavyhannah 6 years
weightgain forum
new to gaining