
Oxford, England, United Kingdom  
Esme 1 month
shiny and soft~
11/3/24 233lbs Ah 4lbs gained last week!!!! That's so exciting!!!! It feels so good to be making great progress again and staying ahead of schedule. I'm currently what I need to weigh at the end of April if I'm to hit my goal of 300 this year~
Esme 2 months
Scoooter 2 months
Esme 2 months
Yeah so basically all of me is getting so soft now~ Arms, jaw, thighs, sides, tummy, hips. Really running out of boney spots ^^
DarukLeen 1 month
Niiice, your 300lbs goal is quite near now
Esme 3 months
I'm now 223lbs, 20lbs up from the start of the year and almost 1/4 of the way to my goal after just a month~
Gaabzsheehan 3 months
Ssaylleb 2 months
Getting a proper pot belly there ๐Ÿ‘Œ
Esme 3 months
Bound and round
Gaabzsheehan 3 months
Esme 3 months
220lbs now~ Feels so nice to be a round number like that although I think a much rounder would feel a lot better! 4lbs gained over the last week is great and way ahead of what I would have needed to gain. So far this January I've put on 17lbs which fee
Gaabzsheehan 3 months
Esme 3 months
Esme 3 months
You can hardly see my panties in this one~
Esme 4 months
Deliciously overfed and wonderfully well rested~
Esme 4 months
Standing up makes me look smaller so I think I should spend more time sitting down while people bring me food
Esme 4 months
My double chin always surprises me, like I never realise its there until I suddenly spot it in a pic and it's like ''
Esme 4 months
The results of a very delicious christmas~ Sorry I've not been so active lately, recovery took a slight hiccup but I appear to be on the mend now!
Esme 5 months
Failed diets are just sooooooo hot! There's just something about a person trying and claiming that they are going to eat less and workout more and just not being able to overcome their lazy gluttonous nature. One snack too many here, a cheat day a litt
Divedrion 5 months
A slow slide that turns into a dramatic change fueled by guilty pleasure and denial.
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