
Rock Hill, South Carolina, United States  
SugaxFree 10 years
Actually 3x wow. Coulda just been cause I refreshed same page on my phone
SugaxFree 10 years
Don't why that posted twice
SugaxFree 10 years
I've learned looks don't actually matter. Humor and confidence not cockiness are major keys.
SugaxFree 10 years
I've learned looks don't actually matter. Humor and confidence not cockiness are major keys.
SugaxFree 10 years
I've learned looks don't actually matter. Humor and confidence not cockiness are major keys.
SugaxFree 10 years
Feeling bad every once in a while is ok. Just don't make a habit
SugaxFree 10 years
Understandable on venting. FYI though, saying you're a nice guy can actually push women away cause they hear it so much
SugaxFree 10 years
In moving to either NC or SC in about 6 months so that's gonna be interesting. I'll miss NY a lot but I don't have a choice
SugaxFree 10 years
Yes! Now I remember. Good to see you smiley
SugaxFree 10 years
Depends on which Doritos flavor lol
SugaxFree 10 years
Erotika, nobody sleeps!
SugaxFree 10 years
Oysters ? Yeck !
SugaxFree 10 years
Aww that sucks Erotika. Most of us are up to entertain at least
SugaxFree 10 years
New pics ! Hooray !
SugaxFree 10 years
It's too freakin cold in NY. Who wants to come over and feel each other ?.... Worth a shot lol smiley
SugaxFree 10 years
*Jiggles self* .... Coooool
SugaxFree 10 years
*Jiggles self* .... Coooool
SugaxFree 10 years
Well that sucks. Go find something to do! ..... Or eat
SugaxFree 10 years
Someone FEED BootiliciousJaye please!
SugaxFree 10 years
Soooo eatttt!
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