Lifestyle tips

What are the most helpful advice you received to help you gain weight?

I'm finally back on track with my weight gain journey to 300 lbs. The biggest advice I've come to acknowledge is: to eat even if you are not hungry at all.

As a person who has a fast metabolism (and it's slowing down finally at the age of 31), This is a HUGE advice for me. My appetite has grown because of it, sometimes it gets a lil scary to be able to cram more food in. My mindset is literally shifting to food. Don't eat to live, Live to eat.

I haven't weighed myself yet, but I FEEL fluffier and heavier. 150 lbs was my highest weight, and I miss that feeling. Now it seems like I will move pass that point in no time.

What is an advice you received or researched which helped you cross the threshold into obesity?
3 months

What are the most helpful advice you received to help you gain weight?

I try to not even let myself get hungry, like tons of snacks in between meals. It's a difficult adjustment at first, eating big meals when you're not really hungry, but eventually your body/brain adjusts and you start getting "hungry" as in just craving more food even though you already have plenty in you already.
3 months

What are the most helpful advice you received to help you gain weight?

I'm finally back on track with my weight gain journey to 300 lbs. The biggest advice I've come to acknowledge is: to eat even if you are not hungry at all.

As a person who has a fast metabolism (and it's slowing down finally at the age of 31), This is a HUGE advice for me. My appetite has grown because of it, sometimes it gets a lil scary to be able to cram more food in. My mindset is literally shifting to food. Don't eat to live, Live to eat.

I haven't weighed myself yet, but I FEEL fluffier and heavier. 150 lbs was my highest weight, and I miss that feeling. Now it seems like I will move pass that point in no time.

What is an advice you received or researched which helped you cross the threshold into obesity?

Feeder here. I'm not obese myself, but I've helped many people get fat(ter). I think the most important thing you can do is to have fun with it. If you take it too seriously, you'll suck the joy of it is, and you'll struggle with consistency or make yourself sick trying to get past a slump. You'll find more success if you're having fun.
3 months

What are the most helpful advice you received to help you gain weight?

In the beginning some folks said I hide it well.
While others asked if I was working out.
While others said I got a fat ass.

It all seemed like encouragement to me.
3 months

What are the most helpful advice you received to help you gain weight?

I try to not even let myself get hungry, like tons of snacks in between meals. It's a difficult adjustment at first, eating big meals when you're not really hungry, but eventually your body/brain adjusts and you start getting "hungry" as in just craving more food even though you already have plenty in you already.

Oh having Snacks around is super helpful for gaining. And yeah. I've noticed my body would crace for food even after a big meal. It's literally a mindset & a lifestyle change to become fat.
3 months

What are the most helpful advice you received to help you gain weight?

I'm finally back on track with my weight gain journey to 300 lbs. The biggest advice I've come to acknowledge is: to eat even if you are not hungry at all.

As a person who has a fast metabolism (and it's slowing down finally at the age of 31), This is a HUGE advice for me. My appetite has grown because of it, sometimes it gets a lil scary to be able to cram more food in. My mindset is literally shifting to food. Don't eat to live, Live to eat.

I haven't weighed myself yet, but I FEEL fluffier and heavier. 150 lbs was my highest weight, and I miss that feeling. Now it seems like I will move pass that point in no time.

What is an advice you received or researched which helped you cross the threshold into obesity?

Feeder here. I'm not obese myself, but I've helped many people get fat(ter). I think the most important thing you can do is to have fun with it. If you take it too seriously, you'll suck the joy of it is, and you'll struggle with consistency or make yourself sick trying to get past a slump. You'll find more success if you're having fun.

Yes! I'm truly having fun with it! Eating whatever I want vs eating just to gain. For this weight gain run, I haven't bought a scale. I said screw it! I'll get one when I feel I've crossed the threshold into obesity. lol
3 months