
For the underweight people who got fat

How did you start?
I was hoping maybe i could understand better how to start out if i got responses from people with similar circumstances being underweight.
5 months

For the underweight people who got fat

I was underweight until I started working at a pizza restaurant. There was always a pizza somewhere for the staff to snack on. So I got fat.
5 months

For the underweight people who got fat

I used to wrestle so I’d starve myself all the time but I was done so I got to eat what I wanted, without limit really so I got fat and fatter… and fatter, over a long period of time I tried losing weight I’d diet lose here gain here etc eventually I got tired of failing so I chose to embrace it now I’m here huge and loving it.

my advice would be to just live without arbitrary restrictions on diet let yourself indulge smiley
5 months

For the underweight people who got fat

was training for a half marathon when i killed my ankle. then covid happened.
nearly immobile for a long time with complications and pain meds and etc.
5 months

For the underweight people who got fat

i was underweight because of financial aspects and house around environment, as soon as i changed the house we could get fat with my girlfriend in a tremendous way, let's say middle fat, again we have been much disturb, and i can start again after some month
4 months

For the underweight people who got fat

I was always underweight and felt like I couldn't gain. Recently I started counting calories and realized that I had been sort of intermittent bingeing - I would eat a 2000 calorie meal and then not eat much for the next day, so overall I wasn't getting a surplus.

Now that I am counting calories, I have put on about 10 pounds in a couple months. It takes way more effort to hit the goal each day but the results are very rewarding!
3 months

For the underweight people who got fat

Growing up I was always super underweight from being a picky eater and just not a big eater in general. One day my gf made brownies and I ate waaay more than I usually would and felt nearly the fullest I've ever felt in my life.

Ever since then I've tried to eat until I'm completely full and then try to force in one or two more bites. It worked great for a while, I gained about 100lbs in a year and a half, but in the few years since then I've plateaued. I probably need to implement more snacking on top of big, filling meals.

I think to gain weight you have to push your body passed what you're used to on a somewhat regular basis, and when you're skinny you're REALLY not used to doing that kind of thing, but if you're into gaining, you'll find that it feels pretty good soon enough.
3 months

For the underweight people who got fat

I feel like as someone who just accidentally gained some pounds. You have to find way to not notice how much you’re over eating to gain. Relationships, mutual eaters, any distraction or crazy discipline if you want to monitor everything. Of course eating rich and calorie heavy foods is a big part.
3 months

For the underweight people who got fat

I feel like as someone who just accidentally gained some pounds. You have to find way to not notice how much you’re over eating to gain. Relationships, mutual eaters, any distraction or crazy discipline if you want to monitor everything. Of course eating rich and calorie heavy foods is a big part.
3 months

For the underweight people who got fat

If you're looking for someone to mutually gain with, or blow up even more so you feel skinnier by contrast, I'd love to help! Feel free to shoot me a message or a chat 🙂
3 months
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