
Why are so many discussions getting locked?

Sure, many people here are unable to understand proper argumentation, and many are doing childish ad-hominem attacks instead of presenting counter arguments, but it seems the moderators are clamping down harder and harder nowadays?

Even worse, the posts that COULD justify some moderator comment remain unacted upon, while some other posts can end the thread, even if they are not very hostile or off topic.

Do other memebers here share this view?

I don’t think this is place to spread hate or bigotry of any kind, also it’s also not a place to spread conspiracy theories and peddle misinformation. I and others are gonna call it out when I see it.
5 months

Why are so many discussions getting locked?

Sure, many people here are unable to understand proper argumentation, and many are doing childish ad-hominem attacks instead of presenting counter arguments, but it seems the moderators are clamping down harder and harder nowadays?

Even worse, the posts that COULD justify some moderator comment remain unacted upon, while some other posts can end the thread, even if they are not very hostile or off topic.

Do other memebers here share this view?

Best I can understand it, it comes down to the moderator's judgement, how often they are paying attention to the forums, and if the thread has necroed.

I do know that lately admin has been more vigilient since years past.

Two things can happen to a thread: getting locked or deleted. Getting locked is more common than getting deleted.

A mod will have to provide further insight, but from what I've seen, the following are the most likely to get locked or deleted:

Soliciting users for money
Harrassment, especially towards one user
Dogpiling, especially towards one user
Any thread where emotions are high
Post containing blatant bigotry (e.g. racism, sexism, agism, homophobia)
Posts soliciting advice on secret feedings
Posts bashing FF or admin

There might be more, but this is what I can recall witnessing. I know that you can also report a thread to admin. If they deem it necessarly, they will lock it.
5 months

Why are so many discussions getting locked?

I wouldn't mind hearing more about this, myself. Particularly about the bits where supposedly, "the posts that COULD justify some moderator comment remain unacted upon."

I can assure everyone that none of the moderators are on a power trip. We do however, uphold the rules to the best of our ability as time permits. This includes attempts at deliberate harassment and bigotry. We do try to be proactive, but there is no 24/7 coverage, so we do rely on other members to point out questionable content.

On occasion, preemptive action might be taken. There was that one thread that somehow devolved and derailed into a discussion about Nazis. While it had remained civil, one could just sense a high degree of emotions, and there's the vibe that it might go off, like a ticking time bomb. Particularly if it seems that everyone involved is just angry and emotionally very invested. One of those types of arguments where it seems like everyone loses.

While we do try to avoid false positives, and I think we have done a very good job at this - sometimes there could be questionable gray areas and sometimes taking action can rely just on gut feelings. Although, I haven't seen a really bad call get taken lately.
5 months

Why are so many discussions getting locked?

I’m pretty much of the mind that unless it’s about size acceptance or other weight related political issues, there’s the ENTIRE REST OF THE INTERNET to talk about politics. It’s inescapable. This site can be an oasis from that. But just my opinion.
5 months

Why are so many discussions getting locked?

Letters And Numbers:
I’m pretty much of the mind that unless it’s about size acceptance or other weight related political issues, there’s the ENTIRE REST OF THE INTERNET to talk about politics. It’s inescapable. This site can be an oasis from that. But just my opinion.

gotta agree with you. You can find anything you want on the internet. This is a very specific site. If someone wanted to talk about a sensitive social or political issue then they can take it somewhere else. I know that Some of my friends here and i have "met" on other chats and forums to discuss things that dont belong here.
The other side is just skip over things you dont want to read and realize its all right ot be offended
5 months

Why are so many discussions getting locked?

Letters And Numbers:
I’m pretty much of the mind that unless it’s about size acceptance or other weight related political issues, there’s the ENTIRE REST OF THE INTERNET to talk about politics. It’s inescapable. This site can be an oasis from that. But just my opinion.

The other side is just skip over things you dont want to read and realize its all right ot be offended

Yup, absolutely. Half of the annoying slap fights could be avoided this way.
5 months

Why are so many discussions getting locked?

Letters And Numbers:
I’m pretty much of the mind that unless it’s about size acceptance or other weight related political issues, there’s the ENTIRE REST OF THE INTERNET to talk about politics. It’s inescapable. This site can be an oasis from that. But just my opinion.

The other side is just skip over things you dont want to read and realize its all right ot be offended

Letters And Numbers:
Yup, absolutely. Half of the annoying slap fights could be avoided this way.

I don't enjoy talking politics on here. Only time I do is when you have bigots bigotting. Other than that, I talk about it elsewhere.
5 months

Why are so many discussions getting locked?

Letters And Numbers:
I’m pretty much of the mind that unless it’s about size acceptance or other weight related political issues, there’s the ENTIRE REST OF THE INTERNET to talk about politics. It’s inescapable. This site can be an oasis from that. But just my opinion.

The other side is just skip over things you dont want to read and realize its all right ot be offended

Letters And Numbers:
Yup, absolutely. Half of the annoying slap fights could be avoided this way.

I don't enjoy talking politics on here. Only time I do is when you have bigots bigotting. Other than that, I talk about it elsewhere.
5 months

Why are so many discussions getting locked?

I was clowning on a guy for posting uninspired creepy candid stuff for the billionth time. I wasn’t “offended” just wanted to see better content.

I like to clown on people there’s some real bozos that like to pop up from time to time.
5 months

Why are so many discussions getting locked?

It's everyone's responsibility to keep discussions civil on the internet, not just the moderators. If someone is being an asshole or bigot, it's not your job to police the discussion, confront them, or put them in their place. First, not everyone is a skilled communicator, misunderstandings can happen, so asking for clarification is a good idea. Beyond that, you should calmly state your disagreement in a non-accusatory manner, and if they're over the line, report them to the mods. It's this attitude exactly that I've seen time and time again will cause a discussion to escalate to the point where the thread needs to be locked in the first place. All of this is spelled out explicitly in the website rules.

Please be courteous and respectful at all times, showing tolerance towards our diverse membership and the broad range of fantasies and ideas they hold. Do not post anything that is rude or insulting and do not deliberately try to 'close down' discussion just because you disagree with it or find it offensive (please report it to a moderator instead).

This rule still applies to you, even if you're well-intentioned, and even if somebody else breaks it first.
5 months
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