
Introduction/ say hi thread

Welcome to FantasyFeeder JustMake. Don't hesitate to weigh in on Forum threads, and check out the chatroom.
10 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Welcome here all newcomers, we really hope you enjoy the site. smiley
10 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Welcome back smiley
10 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Greetings all new arrivals & returnees...Welcome to the family & the insanity...Pop into chat to get to know folks
10 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Welcome to the family & the insanity...Pop into chat & get to know folks
10 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Greetings Chelsea,curves,alittle,Reshirm...Welcome to the family & the insanity...pop into chat & get to meet folks
10 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Welcome back to the family & the insanity...pop into chat & get to know folks.
10 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Welcome kamil and skinny smiley
10 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

SomeFella wrote:
Please tell me whether I'm out of the "normal" range. Very curious RE public perception.

Apparently the average weight for a US male aged 20-74 years 191 pounds (, so I guess you are in the normal range.

This doesn't mean your not getting overweight though, according to this ideal weight calculator ( at 6" heigh and 29 years your idea weight is between 147 and 183 pounds, so at least 8lbs overweight smiley
10 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Kind of new to the place. Been here a time or two but never clicked really but thought I would give it another shot.

Late 90s early 2000's took part in the Austin, Tx. BBW events until the politics took over.. Now back in S. Florida just relaxing on the water.

Feel free to shoot a note. I am friendly and often silly. Not here looking for cyber or cam anything.. just like to talk to folks and might even meet some people close.
10 years