Extreme obesity

Do any men want to be immobile

Oh very much so, especially if it the growth is beyond my control. I really wish I could not only find someone, but also find someone who would make me unable to stop gaining before I got cold feet.

Same here, I'll slow down before I get to that point, would love to be taken over the edge. High calorie, liquid feedings. smiley
6 years

Do any men want to be immobile

I'm already disabled and can't walk without crutches or a cane so spend a lot of time in a wheelchair when out and about so immobility isn't that far away for me anyway. Most of the pics here of me are 5 years old or older and will get an updated one on here in the next day or two but I'm quickly growing now. I was in a stall for a few years but not by choice. I just hit a wall I guess.
Immobility would be wonderful if I had someone I trusted to care for me properly that wasn't abusive. I just got out of an abusive relationship last week. I don't want to enter into mobility alone.
6 years

Do any men want to be immobile

Nope, my ultimate goal would be to have a large belly but at least being able to walk.
6 years

Do any men want to be immobile

The idea of being immobile is a turn on mainly because of the helplessness. To know my own body is my cage & im just left at the mercy of my partner is exciting.

Even if I got tired of it, it wouldn�t be much I could do & that�s a turn on also.

The most fun would be the power struggle with my partner, I mean... do they have what it takes to break me & get me there 🤷🏻‍♂️🤔

I agree with all of what you said. The scary part would be to work out all the consequences before hand. Such as how you will be taken care of. One would need to build trust, to make this happen.
6 years

Do any men want to be immobile

if money wasn't an issue in my life, and I had somebody to feed and care for me, yes.
5 years

Do any men want to be immobile

Yes. I would very much want all of that smiley I would love to find someone who would get to know me and then slowly fatten me into an immobile blob. I hope I find that someone someday
5 years

Do any men want to be immobile

Yes. I can't help it, it is luring me, I don't know how that could ever be, but I'm looking for a feeder that is into immobility. And, as I know how it is when you really yearn for something, I will find her. And It will be the most incredible hot thing I have ever experienced, but the rapid weight gain will be a little scary, but still very exciting and definitely what should happen with me.
How can that ever really happen?
There could be a medical study into fattening up, what the most efficient way is to make somebody fatter. Trying different methods and documenting the success in weight gain, They would select me as I have all the signs of extreme obesity waiting for me. And they take care of me, immobility just the next step. This gives an incredibly insight into fattening and defeating hunger worldwide.
In my case they would also want to find out if there is such a thing as a feeding mode, where a human being becomes a fat producer and gains rapidly. And to find out, is a one ton human being (2000 pounds) possible and why dimensions would my belly have.
In my case I image a feeder fattening me up and getting aroused at how I struggle with immobility and how I have a harder and harder time walking. Immobility will open up a lot more fattening possibilities and I know one of its purpose is to make sure my stomach and colon stretch easier, as I can't get away anymore and my gut has to resist exploding.
4 years

Do any men want to be immobile

The thought of getting to the point of being immobile is intriguing but once there it would be difficult. Wait hmm that means I get to lay around in my undies watch tv Netflix and all the streaming devices out there and if that’s not enough I pull out the PlayStation.. I don’t think it will be that bad imo. I just started a daily intake of a minimum 8000 calories a day to get to that point.. you live once and you should enjoy the things that you want to do. Myself is eating til I get immobile.. once there I can say my life was complete.. having a feeder would be nice also..
4 years

Do any men want to be immobile

Lately I have been fantasizing about becoming immobile
4 years

Do any men want to be immobile

I'd do it in a heartbeat if I could ever find a FFA feeder that doesn't charge you money simply for acknowledging your existence. Shaking my fucking head.
4 years
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