
Survey for all who desire to gain a significant amount of weight.

For all those who desire to gain a significant amount of weight (or who, in the past, intentionally gained a lot of weight):

How did this desire develop in the first place?

1. Did you always desire to be fat, as far as you can remember?

2. Did your desire appear suddenly, or in a relatively short period of time?

3. Did your desire grow slowly, from trying out a little extra weight, liking it, and going for the next "step"?

4. Did you gain unintentionally at the beginning, hated it, and later grew to accept it?

5. Did you gain unintentionally at the beginning, and liked it or at least had mixed feelings about it?

6. something else?
6 years

Survey for all who desire to gain a significant amount of weight.

Number 1. I have always had a fascination with fat, being fat and the joy of seeing overweight/fat women/girls. I was overweight as an adolescent and teen-ager. Gained in college, lost weight, kept it off for a long time (twenty five years in military reserves). I have been gaining since I retired from the reserves in 2013, I have gone from 207 to 230 lbs. I have a waist of 47 inches and 44 around my butt. I am enjoying it.
6 years

Survey for all who desire to gain a significant amount of weight.

I’ve gained 120 lbs in the past year-and-a-half, so I feel qualified to answer. smiley

1. Did you always desire to be fat, as far as you can remember?

Definitely not, I think prior to discovering my preference for bigger/curvier women, I was as fat-phobic as most of the general population. Once I discovered it in adolescence this obviously all changed.

2. Did your desire appear suddenly, or in a relatively short period of time?

It followed right behind my discovery of fat admirer culture; it’s hard to know how intertwined my personal desire to gain is with it being a turn-on in others, but they definitely went hand-in-hand

I was really skinny, underweight in fact, for most of my adolescence, so gaining was truly just a fantasy for a long time. Only recently have I had the resources and lifestyle (college student) to actually follow through with it, and I’ve been enjoying it ever since
6 years

Survey for all who desire to gain a significant amount of weight.

Fat as a kid, overweight as a teen, borderline during twenties and went obese in thirties [429 lb].

Just sort of accepted it as never really been anything else. After getting to thirty gave up caring and sort of ballooned up in few short years.
6 years

Survey for all who desire to gain a significant amount of weight.


1. Did you always desire to be fat, as far as you can remember?

No, I always loved fat and thought fat people were sexy, but I was skinny into my 30s.

2. Did your desire appear suddenly, or in a relatively short period of time?

My desire was inspired by my partner, who became my feeder. If she hadn't thought my getting fat was sexy, I don't know if it ever would have occurred to me? But she definitely was the motivator, and then I discovered how pleasurable it could be.

3. Did your desire grow slowly, from trying out a little extra weight, liking it, and going for the next "step"?

Sort of - I initially gained a small amount slowly over a period of time.

4. Did you gain unintentionally at the beginning, hated it, and later grew to accept it?

I gained unintentionally - just getting older, slower metabolism, getting more sedentary, not exercising, and all that. I wouldn't say that I hated it, but my knee-jerk reaction was that I should lose it - just because, even as a FA, I think that societal "norm" was burned into my brain. It was my partner who said, "Why? It's sexy, keep going!"
6 years

Survey for all who desire to gain a significant amount of weight.

For all those who desire to gain a significant amount of weight (or who, in the past, intentionally gained a lot of weight):

How did this desire develop in the first place?

1. Did you always desire to be fat, as far as you can remember?

Yes, I always remember being interested and wanting to be like the fat characters I saw on tv or read in books, and wanted to eat as much as I could to get as big as them, as soon as possible.

2. Did your desire appear suddenly, or in a relatively short period of time?

I always wanted to be really fat, but actually confronting the desire and deciding to go through with with was complicated. And long,

3. Did your desire grow slowly, from trying out a little extra weight, liking it, and going for the next "step"?

The first time I tried gaining, I gained about 30 lbs, but found that mentally I wasn't ready - I wasn't quite used to seeing my body change and didn't really embrace some of the prices that came with it (shortness of breath, fat not necessarily going to places on me that I envisioned it, and having for the first time to deal with people becoming a bit more rude while I started to grow bigger.

4. Did you gain unintentionally at the beginning, hated it, and later grew to accept it?

No, as mentioned it was intentional, but then I stopped and lost the weight.[/quote]

It's when I managed to get myself into a situation where I can work part time and support myself and my desire to gain that I really thought about it and went through with gaining a lot of weight.
6 years

Survey for all who desire to gain a significant amount of weight.

For all those who desire to gain a significant amount of weight (or who, in the past, intentionally gained a lot of weight):

How did this desire develop in the first place?

1. No, Not always or when i was younger.

2. My interest came from two places. I had an Ex who was a feeder when i was younger. and I want to know what my sister is going through.

3. I definitely just want to gain a little, compared to what i see on here.

4havent really gained yet

5. Any gaining i do will be intentionally.

6. something else?
6 years

Survey for all who desire to gain a significant amount of weight.

I've always wanted to be fat, though the level of how fat I wanted to be changed a lot.

As a kid I always preferred fat, probably because there were a lot of fat couples I looked up to. The women were smart and beautiful and all had equally fat or fatter partners. So naturally I wanted to be fat.
What probably set my goal though was a couple that came out to our local pool. She was probably pushing 400 and he had to be in the 500s. She paid several of us with food to go get snacks, mostly for him. I was always mesmerized by his huge belly, it hung below his knees and when he sat down it could rest on the ground. I knew immediately I wanted one just like it.

Fast forward a few years and I realized I only needed 30 pounds to break 200, so I started seriously overeating. I learned that I loved being absolutely stuffed and 200 wasn't near as fat as it seemed. So I set my eyes on 300, cause sumo wrestlers are that size and they're huge. It took several more years to hit that goal.
Still don't have the belly I want so I'll keep gaining. Goals have moved from 300 to 400 to realizing I probably need to hit the 600s for the look I want.
6 years

Survey for all who desire to gain a significant amount of weight.

For all those who desire to gain a significant amount of weight (or who, in the past, intentionally gained a lot of weight):

How did this desire develop in the first place?

1. Did you always desire to be fat, as far as you can remember?
I've been into fat since I was 14. Didn't look for myself to gain until I was about 20.

2. Did your desire appear suddenly, or in a relatively short period of time?

Desire for myself to gain was rather fast. I was uncomfortable being upfront with my SO, so I looked to gain weight.

3. Did your desire grow slowly, from trying out a little extra weight, liking it, and going for the next "step"?

For quite a while I didn't gain weight, even when I tried for a couple days at a time. Then suddenly with heavy cream, I started gaining. Still currently working towards my first goal. I likely won't stop there.

4. Did you gain unintentionally at the beginning, hated it, and later grew to accept it?

When the gain started showing up, I wasn't expecting it, it was a couple weeks after trying heavy cream for a couple of days. I personally liked it, but didn't care for the attention it got me right away.

5. Did you gain unintentionally at the beginning, and liked it or at least had mixed feelings about it?

It was intientional

6. something else?
For every little bit I gained, I found myself loving my gain more and more. I can't say I ever imagine myself going back to my start weight. With my new eating habits, I doubt that I'll ever go lower than I am either. I'm enjoying my new size.
6 years

Survey for all who desire to gain a significant amount of weight.

1. Did you always desire to be fat, as far as you can remember?

A: Nope, but I was always attracted to fat women. Then, as I gained more weight on accident, I realized I loved it.

2. Did your desire appear suddenly, or in a relatively short period of time?

A: It was fairly sudden. I gained a lot of weight quickly, and I realized this is what I want my life to be.

3. Did your desire grow slowly, from trying out a little extra weight, liking it, and going for the next "step"?

A: The weight piled on really quickly like I said. The next step for me is hitting 300.

4. Did you gain unintentionally at the beginning, hated it, and later grew to accept it?

A: Yep
6 years
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