Submission and domination

Share your dark fantasies

That's a really great idea - if you havn't written it yet I'd love to collaborate!

Here is one of my favourites
As punishment for being a naughty glutton I�m taken away for a demonic feast.
I�m force fed all sorts of fattening foods and wine over days and weeks until I�m huge! On the day of the feast I�m lain on my back on a large platter, arms tied behind my head, ankles tied and legs spread to my side.
Then I�m stuffed to the point of bursting my stomach super tight it�s large dome making it hard to breathe. Then while attendants rub me all over, especially my bloated gut and breasts, with oils, I�m being stuffed in other areas.
The standard apple in my mouth, but my womanhood is stuffed with the biggest cucumbers and even my ass is stuffed to the brim with grapes.
Now I�m ready and complete stuffed to the brim I�m taken to the table, which I hear creaking under my mass.
I prey for a demon to quickly eat me and end it, only to discover I�m just for show! All night I�m played with, poked and prodded, and teased. The court seem happy but demand that I be much bigger for the next event!

Sorry that kinda got very long!

I really love this! I have thought often about writing something very much like this. Good job describing it all. You should be writing dark weight-gain stories for everyone to enjoy, Plumpy!
6 years

Share your dark fantasies

I know I have posted this before, but forgive me - I still have a fantasy about role playing it!
I have a fantasy right now of working as a writer for an erotic fiction company. My editor keeps me locked up in a remotely controlled chastity cage, and makes me write erotic fiction - at the end of the day if she's satisfied she might give me the code to get out... smiley
6 years

Share your dark fantasies

I have a fantasy right now of working as a writer for an erotic fiction company. My editor keeps me locked up in a remotely controlled chastity cage, and makes me write erotic fiction - at the end of the day if she's satisfied she might give me the code to get out... smiley

That has the makings of a great story in itself! So what happens when she doesn't like your work? How do you know what kind of stuff she responds to? And is there some kind of reward (other than temporary freedom) when your work pleases her?

This is a very creative fantasy, I would love to hear more!

Maybe I will write up one expereince I had with this... smiley
6 years

Share your dark fantasies

Here is one of my favourites
As punishment for being a naughty glutton I�m taken away for a demonic feast.
I�m force fed all sorts of fattening foods and wine over days and weeks until I�m huge! On the day of the feast I�m lain on my back on a large platter, arms tied behind my head, ankles tied and legs spread to my side.
Then I�m stuffed to the point of bursting my stomach super tight it�s large dome making it hard to breathe. Then while attendants rub me all over, especially my bloated gut and breasts, with oils, I�m being stuffed in other areas.
The standard apple in my mouth, but my womanhood is stuffed with the biggest cucumbers and even my ass is stuffed to the brim with grapes.
Now I�m ready and complete stuffed to the brim I�m taken to the table, which I hear creaking under my mass.
I prey for a demon to quickly eat me and end it, only to discover I�m just for show! All night I�m played with, poked and prodded, and teased. The court seem happy but demand that I be much bigger for the next event!

Sorry that kinda got very long!

I really love this! I have thought often about writing something very much like this. Good job describing it all. You should be writing dark weight-gain stories for everyone to enjoy, Plumpy!

Here's my thoughts for chapter one...

Let me know what you think....
6 years

Share your dark fantasies

I have 2 dark fantasies, and they both involve public humiliation.

1. To be put under a magic spell while at work. All my coworkers watching in horror as my body literally explodes with fat, completely destroying my clothes and leaving me trapped naked on the floor. My secretly desired level of fatness completely on display.

2. Someone discovers my profile on one or more of these websites and shows it to all my friends and family. They show them the pictures of me and prove what a pig I am by shoving more and more food in front of me, knowing I can't resist and keep eating. The people closest to me watch with disgust as I continue to pig out until my belly bursts out of my food-stained clothes. I sit there in near food coma, completely embarrassed and turned on.
5 years

Share your dark fantasies

New chapter...
5 years

Share your dark fantasies

My biggest fantasy is to open a secret club/hotel for fat gentlemen and their admirers (all gay) .. a bit like a sexclub with speakeasy vibes where gainers and feeders get to meet and enjoy eachother services, eat all the food and wonderaround half naked in the public areas. We'd weigh and measure everybody in public and give rewards for the fattest person, the biggest gain, the most sucessful feeder etc ....
We'd also have house fatties who never leave because they can't fit through the doors anymore, but we take good care of them
5 years

Share your dark fantasies

My darkest fantasy? That'd be the one where I fatten up and feminise someone.

In the fantasy, I put an ad out for a housemate, and get an answer from a pretty fit, masculine-looking guy. I welcome him in with open arms, tell him to make himself at home. Once he's gotten settled in and comfortable around me, that's when I set my plan in motion.

I begin to lace his food and drink with sedatives, strong enough to render him much more docile and malleable. In this suggestive state, it's a trifle to convince him to eat more, to have that extra bit of cake or bowl of chips.

About three times a week, I give him a sedative cocktail strong enough to send him into a drugged stupor. I take these opportunities to put a pair of headphones on him and play a series of subliminal messages, telling him that everything is fine, there's nothing to worry about. Just trust in me and keep eating.

The plan works like a charm. He continues to eat and grow fatter and fatter, and between the messages and the drugs scrambling his brain, he doesn't suspect a thing.

Now, in addition to the sedatives, I begin to mix in estrogen and other female hormones. (I know they don't work like this in real life, but hey, it's a fantasy!)

The changes are clearly visible as he continues to grow as big as a house. His voice becomes softer and higher-pitched, his body less hairy. His hair grows longer and thicker, while his penis and balls become shrunken and useless. His chest begins to swell as he grows breasts. Before long, he's wearing dresses and applying makeup.

And that's it! I've turned my housemate into a submissive, feminine butterball.
5 years

Share your dark fantasies

Dark Fantasy… I’ve been kind of lurking and talking with people on this site. Most are really nice and fun. IRL I had a dark side and I’m submissive. Words do it w ay more for me than photos or talking. If I can read it then I can be there and feel it. I work with numbers a lot so stats and numbers do it for me. Here is one of my fantasies…or as much as I’ll tell.

I would like someone to blackmail me into gaining.
Maybe I cheated on a test and the other person found out or caught me shoplifting or just doing something that would get me in huge trouble so I would be willing to do anything to keep them from telling. Maybe I need to keep my reputation good to keep a scholarship for college.

It goes like this... lots of details left out of course:

One day I get an email with a video attached and watch it and its me and I’m stuffing jewelry and perfume in my purse and pockets as I walk around a store. I, of course, beg and beg them to not turn me in and they begin to give me instructions on what and how much to eat.
I only gain a pound a month. (in real life I am having zero luck gaining) After 6 months or so this increases to about 1.5 lbs a month so in my freshman year my gain would be a modest 15 lbs.

They use the video as leverage to get me to send nude photos of myself and in turn use these to made me do more… heaping the amount of control they have over me.

After a year or so I start gaining 2 pounds a month and then 2.5. It becomes easier to gain as I’m always nervous and anxious about what they could do and I have to have the scholarship to finish my degree. By the end of my sophomore year I have gain 12lbs in 6 months and then the second half of the year another 18 lbs. I’m miserable because I’m not allowed to go to the gym or workout and they give me all these goals of what to eat and drink.

Six month gaining intervals below….
So freshman year : 6 lbs and then 9 = 15
Junior year = 12 and then 18 = 30

So I start my junior year 45lbs heavier than when I started college.
125 lbs and adding 45 more…. = 170.

Junior year they make me send a daily photo standing in the same place wearing the same outfit. Side view and front view. Head to toe. Several times a week a box gets delivered to my door and I have to eat everything in the box and show gains or they send me more threats. I am to have a candybar with me at all times and have regular and frequent eating goals. Not to stuff… not while I go to classes and stuff. just something with a lot of calories on hand and I have to be eating anytime I’m with people… like a study group.

Junior year - - I cant tell anyone whats happening and my best friends are concerned and worried. I’m told to convince them that I’m a nervous eater and the carbs make me feel calmer… when actually the opposite is true. Soooo in addition the the fattening food that is delivered…. My friends rally around me to help me keep my 4.0 and right before any test or an all night study group they make sure that there is plenty of food around. Cake, Ice cream, snickers, frozen uncooked brownie mix. You see they really need me in the study group because I’m tutoring them to get them through with their degrees too. The hardest part is pretending to be happy that they bring me more food. They even encourage me when there is just a little brownie batter left or a few cookies…

Junior year by the time Halloween comes around and I’ve gained 3 lbs both months and between then and Christmas break…..4 pounds a month… putting my first semester total at 11. Over Christmas break it’s easy to put on 6 more pounds so I start the second semester of my junior year gaining about 25 lbs. 195 lbs…

The gaining ramps up the second semester. My metabolism slows. All I do is read and study. 1 pound a week for the next two months… then the next two 1.5 lbs a week. so 20 more pounds by the end of the semester. 215 lbs.

I come home for my summer job which this year I’m supposed to work in a legal offce… paid intern. Usually interns don’t get paid while in college but with my grades! I’m really excited to do this

I get an email that has an application for a job at a country buffet for the summer and I’m told to resign my internship.

So for the next 14 weeks of summer i was on my feet all day making me tired and sore so I would go home and lay down and eat what ever I brought back from the restaurant for the first 4 weeks I gained a steady 3 pounds week for the next month 3.5 and the last two weeks nearly 4 pounds a week. bringing my summer total to…. Wow.. 12 + 18 + 8 = 38 lbs…. throw in a few more for some of the binges and birthday parties where I was instructed to take the leftover cake home… = 45 for the summer

So I start my senior year at 260. Well over doubling my weight from when I started college.
As my friends come to see me in my apt I can see the initial look of shock. I end up cancelling our second study session and
5 years

Share your dark fantasies

oops... word count got me. PART 2
So I start my senior year at 260. Well over doubling my weight from when I started college.
As my friends come to see me in my apt I can see the initial look of shock. I end up cancelling our second study session and they all freak out because it’s their senior year too and they need to keep their 4.0 GPA to secure the best jobs.

They pretty much take care of me round the clock… knowing their success is tied to me tutoring and studying with them. Someone calls to wake me e very morning and in addition to the boxes of food I get delivered from my blackmailer… my friends always have food around for me. It seems like every waking moment I’m nibbling or horfing food down.

Senior year… September 260 lbs… with their help… totally self centered help… no thought to my well being…. My body has become a calorie storing machine. 4.5 lbs a week. by finals week I have packed on over 50 lbs. and my graduation things have leveled off so another 50…. not including the weight gained during holiday splurges and binges… almost 370 lbs.
I waddle across the stage and take my diploma with my chubby sausage fingers…. My friends… they get their degrees and forget about me. The days turn into weeks as I stay at home depressed…. Eating… reading the emails from my oppressor…

This was the fun part. The dark part is …. Well… dark.
5 years
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