Feedback and suggestions

Story quality lacking

First off. No one came here for authors, I'm not convinced most people here know how to read anyway.

There is no quality control. Submissions are not accepted. The stories are just uploaded by whoever wrote them.

No one checks these things. There is no gatekeeper. I agree that most of them are an embarrassment to the site and should be deleted and there should be a quality control system involved.

But there is not.

Welcome to FF.
6 years

Story quality lacking

If you don't care about what you're doing, you shouldn't do it.

No one is asking for professionalism. We are asking for a tiny bit more effort. Proofreading. A sense of pride, maybe?

People, new people, come to this site. They click on the stories and you know what they think when they see that unreadable trash??

"God these people are just as dumb as the internet says they are."

That is what they think.

By god man, is it too much to ask to run a spell check through some of these stories? Is that seriously too much to ask? Really?!!

If you spend THAT much time trying to craft a story, wouldn't you want it as good as you could get it before you sent it out?

No one is asking anyone to be perfect. But, try, at least to do the best you can. No one should have to "Get around the bad grammar, punctuation, style, and spelling" to see the story that is "there"

If you're going to create something, why do a terrible job at it? Do the best you can.

To excuse these patterns is to encourage laziness and bad habits.

If you're not going to even bother to spell check it, don't bother to upload it.
6 years

Story quality lacking

I remember there was once a rating system.
It was probably removed when too many people who couldn't write, started complaining that they were offended by not getting a full score of 5 for their bunch of misspelled words thrown together and pretending to be a story.

Now, without a rating system, and only the number of clicks being used as some kind of rating, the only thing influencing the visibility of a story is how many people clicked on it, so a clickbaiting title is the only thing to decide the fate of a story.

I tried writing a few short stories, and despite English not being my first language, I tired to make the spelling and grammar as correct as I could, I concentrated on having as few clichees as possible, and tried to give personality to the characters. (people who wrote me about them seemed to like them).

But they are still out-competed by far by stories with a title like "[female name] gets fat", with no punctuation, horrible spelling, and a two-paragraph story about someone gaining a gazillion tons of weight without any story, any characterization, and description, and any explained motivation.
6 years

Story quality lacking

I remember there was once a rating system.
It was probably removed when too many people who couldn't write, started complaining that they were offended by not getting a full score of 5 for their bunch of misspelled words thrown together and pretending to be a story.

It was removed from the whole site since people are petty and downvoted anyone they didn't like or got rejected by which sparked drama, basically. I remember one guy who specifically went around downvoting every single photo that a girl put up whenever she put a new one up. The Poor rating was replaced with the Average rating as the lowest but it didn't stop it. Before that there was a Real/Fake voting thing on people's profiles too which was abused in the same way. So it was ultimately replaced with a Facebook-esque like system, similar to what Feabie also has now as well.
6 years

Story quality lacking

I remember there was once a rating system.
It was probably removed when too many people who couldn't write, started complaining that they were offended by not getting a full score of 5 for their bunch of misspelled words thrown together and pretending to be a story.

Now, without a rating system, and only the number of clicks being used as some kind of rating, the only thing influencing the visibility of a story is how many people clicked on it, so a clickbaiting title is the only thing to decide the fate of a story.

I tried writing a few short stories, and despite English not being my first language, I tired to make the spelling and grammar as correct as I could, I concentrated on having as few clichees as possible, and tried to give personality to the characters. (people who wrote me about them seemed to like them).

But they are still out-competed by far by stories with a title like "[female name] gets fat", with no punctuation, horrible spelling, and a two-paragraph story about someone gaining a gazillion tons of weight without any story, any characterization, and description, and any explained motivation.


As for the type of stories. I don't think anyone expects a super elaborate novel with well thought out characters on here.

But understand where you're coming from. Thirsty guys don't care about anything other than the bare minimum effort.

I'd be willing to bet the stories on FF are literally the only thing they read other than their very short private message sessions in chat.

Content, well. I guess we can't change what people like.

It's a really big reason why I've stopped reading the stories. That and the editing issues.
6 years

Story quality lacking

If you don't care about what you're doing, you shouldn't do it.

No one is asking for professionalism. We are asking for a tiny bit more effort. Proofreading. A sense of pride, maybe?

People, new people, come to this site. They click on the stories and you know what they think when they see that unreadable trash??

"God these people are just as dumb as the internet says they are."

That is what they think.

By god man, is it too much to ask to run a spell check through some of these stories? Is that seriously too much to ask? Really?!!

If you spend THAT much time trying to craft a story, wouldn't you want it as good as you could get it before you sent it out?

No one is asking anyone to be perfect. But, try, at least to do the best you can. No one should have to "Get around the bad grammar, punctuation, style, and spelling" to see the story that is "there"

If you're going to create something, why do a terrible job at it? Do the best you can.

To excuse these patterns is to encourage laziness and bad habits.

If you're not going to even bother to spell check it, don't bother to upload it.

This is the perfect way to alienate just about everyone who might have an inkling to maybe upload a story.

If people want to upload here, then let them, that's the mark of what makes a community site - well - a community, when people contribute. People will stop sending them if they are judged using the standards of sites where writing is expected to be of some exemplary form.

Let them be, if you can't stand reading what you are seeing - then move on to the next one, there are plenty to choose from.


If you can't show even the slightest bit of pride in your work.

If you can't put in even the tiniest bit of effort.

If you don't even care in the slightest how something looks...

Why bother?

We should all aspire to do the best we can if we want to post our work.

"Let them be, look at something else?" There may be plenty to choose from, but the vast majority are cringeworthy.

If you write a story. Make it as good as you can. Do the work.

FF needs a gatekeeper when it comes to stories. Someone who can say " thanks"

Sometimes rejection makes you a better person. It separates the writers from the authors.

The people with a flash idea in their brain and write it like they were texting someone on their phone should keep those ideas to themselves.

We need people who care.

FF could use a few more good authors.
6 years

Story quality lacking

... a community, when people contribute. People will stop sending them if they are judged using the standards of sites where writing is expected to be of some exemplary form.

Of course we shouldn't expect Pulitzer Prize quality, but there has to be a middle ground.

If the quality wouldn't get a 12 year old a passing grade in English class, it should have no place here. I'm not even talking about a good grade, just a passing grade.
6 years

Story quality lacking

I don't believe any form of "gatekeeper" is required other than basic monitoring to ensure that stories that are posted are appropriate, but to dig down and check for spelling, grammar, etc., no no no, this is not school where you get red ink over a badly prepared story and have to repeat it until you get it right. Instead this is a place that encourages to you post what your mind can create, however that manifests.

There could be other solutions besides banning poorer quality stories entirely.

It would be useful if people had a possibility to find those which have literary quality, instead of fishing through individually in a sea of junk.
6 years

Story quality lacking

Some of the stories read like they were written on a phone. Others looks like more an outline or rough draft.
I use the search option to find the better ones.
And I think its cool there are some shorts out there. I don’t usually mess with a one page stories because they seem rushed.

Maybe some people have a great idea in their head but can’ t get it on paper?
I’m one of those people. Guys tell me I’m really good in a WG or BE rp.
But when I write…. Gaaaa
It’s awful.

Be nice to the poorwriters. At least they are writing which is more than most of us can do.
6 years

Story quality lacking

The moment a good writer realizes chapters can only be a few paragraphs long (and doesn't even prompt you when your material is being cut off) they probably head for the door....
6 years
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