
Introduction/ say hi thread

Heya! I’m another longtime lurker finally making an appearance. My name is Richie, I’m an FTM transman and over 350lbs! I love any and all extreme obesity, and I especially love dominant fatties!

Please message me if you ever want to talk fats with someone with no weight limit!
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

I'm a 20 year old gainer from Belfast in Ireland, not that many of us here!! I've been dreaming of being fat ever since I can remember. Finding this community has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. Knowing that I'm not alone in wanting to be fatter made me feel like I wasn't that weird! My original goal was always 300lbs and I'm around 285/290 now and I don't feel fat enough at all. 350lbs minimum for me I think!!
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hi all, I'm new to this site but not niew to this world.
I hope to find interesting people that want to talk about our passion: soft fat curves 😍
I'm joking, obliviously not only fat and curves, but about any argument 😉

I'm good at cooking, expecially a lot of kind of pasta.
I'm a biker.
I love tv series like GoT, Mom, According to Jim, Stranger Things...

And if you want, feel free to ask 😊
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hi there! I'm just a weird, young, kinky gay nerd who decided to finally embrace my own desires of gaining a fair bit of weight. It's a desire I've known about for a long time, but I've never been open about it or really acted on it and I finally decided that I wanted to be in a place with like-minded people. I like video games (my all-time favourite being Skyrim), foreign languages (I speak an intermediate level of German as well as varying levels of many other languages), cooking and eating food (big surprise, right?), listening to music, watching films, and drawing. If you ever want to chat, hmu.
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hello, not new to this website or feederism, but back on after a while.

Looking for a female feedee to be my life partner. I posted in personal ads section.
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hey everyone!! I've been on and off this site for a while. Some of you may know me from tumblr or feabie, same username. Just here to find ffa friends and to share my relationship. I'm an ffa/feeder with an amazing supersized boyfriend. We've recently been making some videos together due to the lack of ffa/ssbhm porn. Check out some of our pictures and message me if you're interested. Feel free to follow me on feabie or tumblr as well. Here's a little sample.

hello and welcome smiley
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hey peeps! I’ve known about this site for a while but waited til I was finally 18 to join. I’m super into art and cartoons and all y’all with the big soft bellies. Can’t get enough of them! If ya wanna chat hmu
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hey!!. Nice to find a place full of peoples like me.

I'm now in just meeker 379 pounds but I wanna reach to 1000 and beyond.

Interested in rp and stuff.
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

ch bin Martina 21 jahre ,bin devot und eine feedee Anfängerin smiley Meine maße : 1,63 groß wiege aber momentan leider nur 53 kilo was ich gerne ändern würde smiley Ich habe vor ca. zwei jahren mal zufällig ein video auf youtube gesehen in dem eine frau gemästet wurde , seit diesem moment habe ich das verlangen auch einmal gemästet zu werden : Der gedanke daran erregt mich sehr und ist wohl ein sexueller fetisch smiley
5 years