Fat experiences


Because real doesn't matter here.

Who cares? Let people forge as many profiles as they want.

This place isn't like it used to be. It doesn't matter anymore. Let everyone be as fake as they want.

Do you plan on meeting anyone from here? Do you care if the boast about near-impossible feats. Does it really bother you that much? It shouldn't

Life is too short to worry about who's real on fantasy feeder anymore. lol
5 years


Because real doesn't matter here.

Who cares? Let people forge as many profiles as they want.

This place isn't like it used to be. It doesn't matter anymore. Let everyone be as fake as they want.

Do you plan on meeting anyone from here? Do you care if the boast about near-impossible feats. Does it really bother you that much? It shouldn't

Life is too short to worry about who's real on fantasy feeder anymore. lol

"Do you plan on meeting anyone from here?"

Yes I have and I will again. In fact I'm part of organizing a local FF meetup coming up. Not only that, there's another member I'm very interested in meeting and the feeling is mutual.

So for those of us that actually meet people, the plethora of fake profiles and liars is disturbing.
5 years


So what you're saying is...you're both fake as hell. Got it.
5 years


I have met a person from here. It was awesome! I hope to meet more people.
5 years


We'll be right back after these messages
5 years


What causes the waddle?
I'm guess it comes from not being able to bend legs as well?
cant lift them so you have to move them side to side?
5 years


What causes the waddle?
I'm guess it comes from not being able to bend legs as well?
cant lift them so you have to move them side to side?

I always thought thighs are soo big they aren't move forward and backwards. So you have to go out and up.
5 years


What causes the waddle?
I'm guess it comes from not being able to bend legs as well?
cant lift them so you have to move them side to side?

I always thought thighs are soo big they aren't move forward and backwards. So you have to go out and up.

yes. that makes sense too. proly having their legs pushed father apart weighs in to the equation too
5 years


What causes the waddle?
I'm guess it comes from not being able to bend legs as well?
cant lift them so you have to move them side to side?

Hm not quite really. It may play a factor into the said bodily motion, but what mostly cause fatter people to waddle is the heft is mostly due to the subsiding effect of their body balance and creeping unability to properly move freely as their overall body - or most thickened body areas - fattened beyond what their usual range of motion can tolerate.

The heavier someone is becoming, the more tested become their body core balance, shifting limb motion, body axis posture, joint pressure, ect.

The average weight for a human leg's lean mass is about 40 pounds, which meant the legs may began to experience more difficult once closer or above the summum of their combined weight (90 pounds or less) : let's not forget thay the average body mass is about 90-to-120 pounds for a woman or 130-to-150 for a man. Waning thigh gap, a fat paunch or a heavier bust or larger haunches for women may play a role as well.

wow... thats a lot of tecnical stuff
5 years


Everyone has hit on most of the key points. The other one is the often underdevelopment of the abdominal and core muscles of those that are obese.

They simply can not withstand the newfound weight and thus the entire walking gait is adjusted so more weight is delivered through the thighs and buttocks and less strain put on the core abdominal and hip flexors.

My wife just started dramatically waddling in the last couple of weeks. I especially love seeing her waddle around the grocery store picking out her snacks. The longer she has to walk, the more she waddles!
4 years
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