
Feedees: why get fat?

1, 2, 3, and 6.

1. Fattening food is often the most delicious, so of course I want it.

2. I love eating more. When I eat more food, so I can gain more enjoyment from the taste. When I start to get full I actually get a little disappointed, because I'd like to eat more. Creamy shakes are also quite delicious.

3. For a long time I was far too thin, and I had a really weak appetite. For a long time I lacked the courage to change this, but after gaining some weight I like it. I want to gain some more.

I'm also trying to increase my appetite so I can eat more in one sitting.

Curiously enough, I feel more manly, bolder, and more confident with the weight I've gained. Most men are overweight, and the average white man in the U.S. now weighs 200 lbs. So it's better if you can weigh closer to there, or more. There's no discernible advantage to being a skinny man.

If you look too athletic like a Chippendale (I never did, I just mean in general), I figure this means you live in the gym, which means you probably don't have a job.

4. I know that what was meant by this was hating a restricted diet that consists of boring, tasteless food that doesn't satisfy, in an attempt to lose weight. I have never attempted such a diet, but I hate the thought of it.

However, diet just means what you eat. I for one love having a diet that consists of fattening, savoy, tasty foods and more of them.

5. This doesn't yet apply, I'm single.

6. Hell yes it has been erotic. I actually get slightly turned on when I overeat. I try to count calories and it's hot when I know I have went past the requirements, which means each extra bite, every morsel, every gulp will, in whatever small way, cause me to expand and grow heavier. To feel bolder and more confident.

7. It really does look better. Skinny women look more frail, whether they are or not. I really do prefer some meat. Gaining enough weight will also make it easier for me to get a larger woman.
4 years

Feedees: why get fat?

1,2,3,4 and 6 if I find a woman who likes bigger men
4 years

Feedees: why get fat?

Please rank the following reasons as they apply to you (and add more if you can think of any):

1. You like fattening food.
2. You like to overeat.
3. You're tired of feeling guilty about your weight or appetite.
4. You hate dieting.
5. Your significant other wants you to gain.
6. You find it erotic.


5 I wish I had someone who wants me to gain
4 years

Feedees: why get fat?

Tell them as little as possible. Tell them you're fine with your body. You should not need to go into details that you're doing so on purpose. You are just not concerned about your weight that you have better things to do.
4 years

Feedees: why get fat?

I started cause my tits and ass are too small and still fit through my door lol
4 years

Feedees: why get fat?

Sadly, still got a long way to go I'm afraid
4 years

Feedees: why get fat?

Tell them as little as possible. Tell them you're fine with your body. You should not need to go into details that you're doing so on purpose. You are just not concerned about your weight that you have better things to do.

Thanks for your advice and if my mother tells me that lately I'm eating more than usual and I take the food out front what do i say?

that you're hungry???

yes I say I'm hungry and then my mom says to me: "enough you don't see how you are becoming"?

"I'm fat, I'm healthy, chill."
4 years

Feedees: why get fat?

It's mostly number 6 for me. The BIGGER my belly is, the more sexy I feel
3 years

Feedees: why get fat?

Please rank the following reasons as they apply to you (and add more if you can think of any):

1. You like fattening food.
2. You like to overeat.
3. You're tired of feeling guilty about your weight or appetite.
4. You hate dieting.
5. Your significant other wants you to gain.
6. You find it erotic.

1. 2. 6. 4. 3. 5.
3 years

Feedees: why get fat?

1, 2 and 6!!!!!!! wish 5 could be real... i want someone to force me into gaining moreee
3 years
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