Fat experiences

Could my boyfriend be an fa?

My boyfriend and I were in bed a few nights ago and during some cuddling etc it felt like he jiggled my belly. It might have been accidental, but it was nice and I'd love him to do it again properly. We've never spoken about anything related to this before so I'm not sure if/how to ask. Being on this site it sounds a bit silly but I'm a bit self conscious about my belly around him and try to hide it as much as I can. Is it possible he could be into this too, and if so how can I bring it up?
4 years

Could my boyfriend be an fa?

How about jiggling your belly at him?
4 years

Could my boyfriend be an fa?

If he has been with you, and you were big to start with, it is a good chance he is an FA, or doesn't care. You can always test him out by saying something like, "My belly sure is getting bigger, maybe I should think about a diet." See if he agrees, argues, or says nothing.
4 years

Could my boyfriend be an fa?

If you like it tell him.
That way its out in the open and there is no guessing and wondering.
4 years

Could my boyfriend be an fa?

If you like it tell him.
That way its out in the open and there is no guessing and wondering.

Agreed. don't play games or beat around the bush. Just be foward and thatsthe best way of knowing even if it's awkward
4 years

Could my boyfriend be an fa?

Plus, he doesn't have to be an FA to like your belly! Remember that he likes *you* and your belly is part of you. If you like something like him jiggling your belly, tell him! Chances are even if it isn't his thing personally, he'll be into the fact that it makes you happy.

And ofc, it might be his thing! He may not even know it's his thing yet!

Indeed. Being or not being an FA is not a binary choice between the two extremes of hating everyone who is not as thin as a stick versus wanting everyone to gain until immobility. There are many shades between them.
4 years

Could my boyfriend be an fa?

maybe try this...
next time... if there is a next time... he puts his hand on your tummy put your hand over his and hold it there.
if he pulls away then... well. maybe he isnt into that
But if his hand stays there and even queezes a little then it's time to press him into you more and squeeze his hand around your tummy and tell him you like how that feels
and ask if he likes it too
4 years

Could my boyfriend be an fa?

maybe try this...
next time... if there is a next time... he puts his hand on your tummy put your hand over his and hold it there.
if he pulls away then... well. maybe he isnt into that
But if his hand stays there and even queezes a little then it's time to press him into you more and squeeze his hand around your tummy and tell him you like how that feels
and ask if he likes it too
4 years

Could my boyfriend be an fa?

Thanks for all the replies and advice! I still haven't brought it up yet but feeling a little more confident to do so.

Also, last night at dinner I helped myself to mine and as he was dishing his own up he put some more on my plate. When I asked why he did that he just shrugged. Taking that as a positive 😂
4 years

Could my boyfriend be an fa?

So I finally got up some courage and asked my boyfriend to touch my belly! He asked why I wanted him to do that and I said because I like it. He said "you kept that quiet!" 😂 I'm not really sure if he is that into it but he's going to do it because I like it. We'll see how it goes, but it's a start at least 😊
4 years
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