
Would you like to be a fantasy feeder moderator?

Hi all,

We are currently looking for some new moderators to join our team!

If you are able to log onto the site multiple times a week, and fancy helping out we would love to hear from you!

As a moderator, you would be checking sections of the site, reporting and dealing with members / scammers. Monitoring forums and help to resolve disputes in chat. This all helps the site run as smoothly as possible.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in. Leave a quick comment below and we will be in touch!


FF Team
4 years

Would you like to be a fantasy feeder moderator?

I would gladly once again offer my services as a Mod for this site.I enjoyed my time in the past & miss it.Those that may remember those times know that I'm honest,kind & openminded to the task.
4 years

Would you like to be a fantasy feeder moderator?

It's been a while since I modded in a chat room, but I am on daily and have had to play chat mom more times than I can count ...

So I'd be happy to help if needed, as long as my silly and naughty behavior the rest of the time doesn't count me out 🙈🙉🙊
4 years

Would you like to be a fantasy feeder moderator?

Sign me up.

I've been here for 13+ years with the same screen name.

I have a special way with people that only I can pull off.

It's time to make it official.
4 years

Would you like to be a fantasy feeder moderator?

Sign me up.

I've been here for 13+ years with the same screen name.

I have a special way with people that only I can pull off.

It's time to make it official.
I can vouch for his talent as I have witnessed it first-hand.

Also I would be interested in helping since I end up here at least twice a week, It would be helpful to put that time to good use smiley.
4 years

Would you like to be a fantasy feeder moderator?

Hi all!

It's great to see so many responses, Fantastic!

Keep an eye on your inboxes and we will be in touch with all of you shortly. We may not need all of you who have offered your time, but we will get in touch and let you know regardless.

Thank you all so much!

FF Team
4 years

Would you like to be a fantasy feeder moderator?

I'll throw my hat into the ring too, and apply.

I've been around here long enough my member ID number is only 4 digits in length, and I've been here over 13 years.

I've also lurked for so long, I still remember finding the Dimension's Weight Room online in the late 90s and even Fat Nat's. Thus, I have a really good idea what it's all about. It has fascinated me for what seems like since ever.

In the past I've been here on and off, though I've taken a considerably more active role lately, especially over the last couple/few years or so.

I have also attempted to be helpful when I can, whenever I do post. Hopefully others have found my posts helpful.

While it's true I've never held a moderating role in any online feederism community before (barring owning a somewhat slow Kik group), having been online for nearly 25 years I have experience having been moderator, operator, administrator, etc. on other online communities. While a somewhat different animal, I'm big on IRC and have been in situations where I'm expected to maintain order.

Though, perhaps the most important thing is to know when not to use the tools as when to use them. Excluding obvious spam bots, it's always a sad day to ban someone, temporarily or permanently, and to me is considered a last resort. I have a pretty good track record of being able to deescalate, which to me is the most ideal outcome.

I have enjoyed my time here very much, or else I wouldn't keep coming back. It also seems the management shares highly similar views as I do on what makes an inclusive community. It doesn't at all feel like there's an "insider" "good ole boys" club, which makes for a very toxic community at some places that shall remain unnamed. This might be a nice way for me to give something back to the community.

It's not a big deal either way of course. I'll keep coming back whether I'm granted this role or not. I do log in most days, and it's occasionally frustrating to see spam bot threads and and postings. It would be nice if I could do something about it directly.

Have a good day, stay safe, well fed, and happy summer!
4 years

Would you like to be a fantasy feeder moderator?

FF Team:
Hi all,

We are currently looking for some new moderators to join our team!

If you are able to log onto the site multiple times a week, and fancy helping out we would love to hear from you!

As a moderator, you would be checking sections of the site, reporting and dealing with members / scammers. Monitoring forums and help to resolve disputes in chat. This all helps the site run as smoothly as possible.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in. Leave a quick comment below and we will be in touch!


FF Team
4 years

Would you like to be a fantasy feeder moderator?

Hi all,

Thanks ever so much for all the responses.

We have contacted you all to give you an update. If you haven't been chosen this time round, please don't be disheartened. There's always next time!

FF Team
4 years