Fluffy Toaster

Cranbourne, Victoria, Australia  

About me

I enjoy dressing up as a much larger woman at 300+ pounds and I would like to be addressed as such.

Gender: non-binary
Age: 31yrs
Weight: 367lbs
Height: 5’ 8" (173 cms)
Sexual orientation: bisexual
Fetish: feedee
Online 3 weeks
Visits website: rarely
Joined 10 years


Food: Pasta, KFC
Movies: Disney, animated, Crank, The Lord of the Rings.
Music: Mostly dub-step and electronic ( computer music), but I will listen to most things if it catches my interest.
TV shows: Anime/animation, The Simpsons ( the good seasons), Breaking Bad, Park and Recreation.
Cars: Don’t drive, my interest in cars is low.
Books: Can't remember
Fashions: Crossdressing, frills and poofy things. Or just things that are comfy, it depends on the day.