Extreme obesity

Meeting an immobile person

Has anyone ever met a person that's so fat they are immobile? I have chatted with some guys online over the years but never met any in person. I would like to one day. I am curious if anyone has had any experiences with it.
4 years

Meeting an immobile person

I was a caretaker/driver for a retired poetry professor who was 95% immobile for a few weeks. Was supposed to be just a driver but her caretaker bailed constantly and what could I do, just leave her there alone to cry? I'm talking she couldn't walk at all. Not even to the bathroom; just stand up, turn around, and sit in a wheelchair. Anything more than 20 seconds on her feet and she was dying. And nothing in her house was set up to accommodate any of these needs. Not her toilet. Not her shower. Not her room. Not her bed. She had giant lymphedema growths on her legs and refused to admit she needed stop going to poetry readings that didn't know she was an immobile woman. Everything hurt her. Even breathing. She refused to buy a car that was modified for her needs, so every time we had to go somewhere we had to rent a car. And they would always bring the wrong car. And she would always scream about it, like someone had just stabbed her in the leg. It would take 4 hours just to get in the car. That meant out of bed, to the bathroom, get her compression garments on, find a way to the garage without dying and pray the rental company got there in the right car. So she'd be in the back of a car that was too small screaming daggers into the closed cockpit of a ford fiesta the entire 3 hour drive because her joints were so stiff she couldn't bend her legs. And the poetry readings, they were never ready for her. No communication at all. It was insane. She would just get a gig for a poetry reading and we'd be off, never mind the fact that there's literally no wheelchair access within a half mile of some of these places. My first day on the job we went to a reading in a city 2 hours away. She didn't tell me anything about her needs and when we get there, I had apparently forgotten the cushion on her wheelchair at her house. So she couldn't get out of it when she sat down because it was too low. She said "You killed me, you literally killed me". But you know what, I fucking figured it out. I got her to that god damn poetry reading on time and it took a over dozen building staff from 3 different city blocks to do it. Janitors using secret routes at 3am because we couldn't get out any other way. Security personnel unlocking doors that even they didn't have access to at first. Really eye opening job. People in her position need constant care or they quickly break down. Quickly. And when I got there she was in the final stages of neglect. Most stressful thing I've ever done. May god have mercy on anyone in the path of her poetry readings.
4 years

Meeting an immobile person

I have cared for and fed many immobile people both professionally and personally. You are right about them needing personal care 24/7. What the poster above me described sounds like hell. She should have called in from her bed. Would have been easier on you both.
4 years

Meeting an immobile person

My sister. She can barely make her way from the bed to the bathroom or her chair. Any longer distance she has to use her scooter.
4 years

Meeting an immobile person

Big Cutie Echo

4 years

Meeting an immobile person

My sister. She can barely make her way from the bed to the bathroom or her chair. Any longer distance she has to use her scooter.

John Smith:
How many pounds does she have?

She’s at about 500.
4 years

Meeting an immobile person

I've never met someone completely immobile, however I have met someone over 600 lbs who struggles with so many everyday tasks. She barely moves out of her chair when at home and has to use a mobility scooter at stores. Her family in this situation enables her weight gain and many of them struggle with less extreme weight issues themselves
4 years

Meeting an immobile person

These are all great stories. I've only had the opportunity to chat with a few guys online who were immobile. Most were probably hanging around 800 to 900 but one was definitely over 1000. Chatting online is nice but I definitely want to meet one in person someday. I just like that much fat.
4 years

Meeting an immobile person

My oldest sister weighs a little over 480.
She had 4 kids and gained with each one and never lost her baby weight and gained more in between them.
She has to gauge how many times she can get up from the bed or couch every day.
She hasn't driven a car since about 100 lbs ago.
Originally I planned to gain 20 or so lbs and then convince her to lose some with me.
We have both pretty much given up at this point on controlling our weight.
4 years

Meeting an immobile person

My maternal grandmother was really heavy when I knew her and largely confined to a wheelchair. She wasn’t a particularly pleasant person to begin with, and this only made that worse.

My mom is not anywhere near that size, but she also struggles with mobility and usually needs to use a scooter to get around. She has COPD and I think it’s fibromyalgia that she also has, on top of anxiety, depression, OCD, and what is likely undiagnosed BPD, so you can guess how that goes.
3 years