Fat experiences

Life changes

Feedee/gainers: How has your life changed after you've grown?
4 years

Life changes

I definitely do a little more planning when going out. Not nearly as active as I used to be. Can't stand for nearly as long, try to avoid it whenever I can.
4 years

Life changes

I get short of breath bending down to tie or put on shoes or boots.
4 years

Life changes

Start to clearly see the differences between who truly loves and adore your fat vs just tolerating it.
3 years

Life changes

I gained about 30 pounds right at the beginning of quarantine from 255- 285. I was not intending to gain at all, but stress and cancelling my gym membership had me at my highest weight in years in early May of last year. I was conflicted about it, since it is heavier than I like to live my everyday life, but I did find it sexy., and while I felt sexy, being at home all day with my kids around meant I never got to put that to use with my wife or by myself. I used the good summer weather to get active outside and lose about half, and have maintained there since. I am still about 15 pounds heavier than I would normally like to be but am OK with it, and had to really adjust my eating and set up a home gym to get through the holidays last year.

I don't know who else is in this boat, but what has changed is that I have a confidence now that if I were to really lean into trying to gain weight, I would be really good at it. That also makes me want to do it less as if I did gain a bunch of weight there is no one in my life to show it off to. My wife wouldn't care; she knows I don't ever want to be skinny, but she also wouldn't appreciate it like I would want.
3 years

Life changes

I gained about 30 pounds right at the beginning of quarantine from 255- 285. I was not intending to gain at all, but stress and cancelling my gym membership had me at my highest weight in years in early May of last year. I was conflicted about it, since it is heavier than I like to live my everyday life, but I did find it sexy., and while I felt sexy, being at home all day with my kids around meant I never got to put that to use with my wife or by myself. I used the good summer weather to get active outside and lose about half, and have maintained there since. I am still about 15 pounds heavier than I would normally like to be but am OK with it, and had to really adjust my eating and set up a home gym to get through the holidays last year.

I don't know who else is in this boat, but what has changed is that I have a confidence now that if I were to really lean into trying to gain weight, I would be really good at it. That also makes me want to do it less as if I did gain a bunch of weight there is no one in my life to show it off to. My wife wouldn't care; she knows I don't ever want to be skinny, but she also wouldn't appreciate it like I would want.
3 years

Life changes


But my wife would never perceive it that way. And would take offense to it.

Instead, it's always been "a long day".

I "just feel" like watching movies tonight.
"just don't have the energy to cook tonight, why don't we order ____"
"I just need a minute to sit down" (sits down for 2 hours on her phone)
"I just need a little time to unplug" (watches movies for 4 straight hrs snacking the whole time)
"Do you mind getting me my _____" (anything to avoid getting up)

It's really a night and day difference compared to when she was skinny. And when she does actually clean the house or something active, then the amount of "earned" laziness and stuffing afterwards is amplified even more.
3 years

Life changes

It's been a bit more difficult to flip in bed and get out of bed since I've recently been gaining again. I also have issues bending over to pick things off the floor. My legs also have been getting tired more often, if I have to walk around a lot at work I can definitely feel them getting tired. I like my job but I wish I had a desk job. xD If I did, I'd probably be bigger than I currently am tbh.
3 years

Life changes

Iā€™m waddling more.
2 years

Life changes

Iā€™m waddling more.

Love to see šŸ˜‰šŸ™‚
2 years
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