
Too stuffed to move?

Can you really be too stuffed to move? And if so, what does it feel like?
2 years

Too stuffed to move?

To put it shortly: really painful.
2 years

Too stuffed to move?

Yes, it hurts. Moving at all when you're that full puts pressure on your gut, causing discomfort or even pain. I've found that sitting and leaning back slightly is the best position for waiting for digestion to kick in with minimal discomfort.
2 years

Too stuffed to move?

Gets difficult to breathe and my stomach gets a sharp pain if I bend too much or something
2 years

Too stuffed to move?

You'll feel some pain from being very tight, and you'll feel like you'll puke if you move too much, you'll probably also feel sluggish as well and won't want to get up even if you thought you could without puking and it wasn't painful...

10/10 would recommend
2 years

Too stuffed to move?

You'll feel some pain from being very tight, and you'll feel like you'll puke if you move too much, you'll probably also feel sluggish as well and won't want to get up even if you thought you could without puking and it wasn't painful...

10/10 would recommend

2 years

Too stuffed to move?

once a week for sure. I am involved in a stuffing session where the sole purpose is to make it impossible for me to move.
I love the feeling of not being able to move.
It was scary the first times. and it hurts to bend or move.
I've been to the point that i can feel my lips feeing fuzzy because I can breathe deeply enough.
2 years

Too stuffed to move?

once a week for sure. I am involved in a stuffing session where the sole purpose is to make it impossible for me to move.
I love the feeling of not being able to move.
It was scary the first times. and it hurts to bend or move.
I've been to the point that i can feel my lips feeing fuzzy because I can breathe deeply enough.

Yeah I do that atleast once a week aswell, it's so hot, it's probaly one of the best feeling ever as a gainer/stuffer at least hehe
2 years

Too stuffed to move?

it's exquisitely painful. I don't get there very often because I worry I'll burst, but it's always a wild ride when I do
2 years

Too stuffed to move?

You aren't going to burst. Your body will make you vomit before you get to that point.
2 years
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