
Favourite body part

Bellies and breasts.
2 years

Favourite body part

From the belly button to between a Woman’s thighs, is my favorite, Her waistline.
2 years

Favourite body part

A defined torso gets me every time - from the shoulders to the pecs, down the abs, across to the obliques ... mmmmmmmm ... add some chest hair and a set of big hands and I'm in heaven 😍

On the flipside, delicate collarbones, perky breasts and the violin shape of a belly with just the teeniest bit of pudge sends me over the edge.

I love body contrast!
2 years

Favourite body part

A full, plump set of moobs. A well cushioned backside. And a nice, well fed single belly.

Chunky thighs and big arms are a close contender.
2 years

Favourite body part

Of course. My big fat Belly. And other people's bellies
2 years

Favourite body part

A full, plump set of moobs. A well cushioned backside. And a nice, well fed single belly.

Chunky thighs and big arms are a close contender.

I love Moobs
I wish there was a way to induce these on a guy
2 years

Favourite body part

A full, plump set of moobs. A well cushioned backside. And a nice, well fed single belly.

Chunky thighs and big arms are a close contender.

I love Moobs
I wish there was a way to induce these on a guy

There is, but it's pretty much one step removed from HRT.
2 years

Favourite body part

Guys with a plump butt and a big belly always get my attention.
2 years

Favourite body part

My own boby part would be my moobs! Kind of worked on em for a bit but plateaued on them but i will say they are more jiggly and sensitive than i thought they would ever be! Ended up, measurement wise little on the lower end of a c cup/higher end of a b cup but getting the shape more breast like is going to take some work!
2 years

Favourite body part

A full, plump set of moobs. A well cushioned backside. And a nice, well fed single belly.

Chunky thighs and big arms are a close contender.

I love Moobs
I wish there was a way to induce these on a guy

There is, but it's pretty much one step removed from HRT.

I'm intrigued. Could elaborate? I might be tempted to give it a try
2 years
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