Fat experiences

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Looking at a reflection and noticing my belly peekingšŸ‘€šŸ™ˆ

Same herešŸ˜Š

2 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Latest reminder for me are my wedding band and initial ring. Neither fit my ring fingers anymore. Wearing each on my pinkies this morning. Gotta be a common issue with all of us, no?
2 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Latest reminder for me are my wedding band and initial ring. Neither fit my ring fingers anymore. Wearing each on my pinkies this morning. Gotta be a common issue with all of us, no?

Yeah, a ring I bought last year is getting a bit tight.
2 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Latest reminder for me are my wedding band and initial ring. Neither fit my ring fingers anymore. Wearing each on my pinkies this morning. Gotta be a common issue with all of us, no?

spoop skerry:
Yeah, a ring I bought last year is getting a bit tight.

Awhile ago I actually got a ring resized because of this. It was not cheap to do this. The good news is, it's not something you will have to do often.

Sometimes I fantasize about how that after getting married, my new wife gets me to gain so much weight the wedding ring simply won't come off, further symbolizing that I'm indeed hers forever. But I'd never do that in real life since you really don't want to lose blood circulation, as the results would be vomit-inducing gross and tragic. That's all I'm going to say about that.
2 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

I think everything i do is a reminder how fat Iā€™ve become. Some examples are that I canā€™t see my feet anymore without the help of a mirror. Iā€™m out of breath after about 10 minutes of waddling. Itā€™s a struggle to sit up on my bed. Going from a size 2xl to 5xl within the span of the pandemic, popping buttons and clothes getting snug and needing an upgrade.

10-15 minutes? Out of curiosity, how do you handle grocery and retail shopping?

I suppose there's those electric carts at supermarkets (except at Target, where I don't recall seeing any), but most retail stores don't have those.
2 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Clothes & other peopleā€™s actions.
2 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Definaely other peoples reactions.
The people I am around every day are encouragers for sure and opportunists.

There is a pair of a pants and a a bra from two years ago that I have hanging on the wall in the back of my closet that I see every damned day that I get dressed.
I put it there a while back trying to shame myself into losing.
Now i think its just a curiosity.
2 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Getting up and around and feeling new jiggles and bouncing. Seeing my reflection out of the corner of my eye from time to time. Feeling how tight my pants are on my thighs lol
2 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Pulling my kitchen chair out before I start running dish water
2 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Pulling my kitchen chair out before I start running dish water

Ah the old sitting down to do the dishes. I've seen that before :-)
2 years
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