
Recent return to yugioh

Picked up the game back a couple of months ago, I left during the Xyz summons era as a casual player. This has been a trip and a half. I finally understand Pendulum and Link summoning somewhat, although I still get it wrong from time to time. Cards and interactions are complex now, and I have been enlightened to more competitive deckbuilding and card analysis. This stuff is wild, I never realized how deep this game was.
1 year

Recent return to yugioh

It do be pretty wild, got into master duel for a bit and the pain of setting out a little board than having someone style on you for five minutes summoning so many things is indescribable. It’s certainly a change from playground rules.
1 year

Recent return to yugioh

It do be pretty wild, got into master duel for a bit and the pain of setting out a little board than having someone style on you for five minutes summoning so many things is indescribable. It’s certainly a change from playground rules.

Exactly. I'm on MD now, but just taking my time to do solo mode so that I can wrap my head around Pendulum and Link Summoning. I plan to play both casual and some meta decks, but the recent Ishizu/Tearlament decks from YCS gave me the heebie-jeebies to watch lol
1 year

Recent return to yugioh

Haven’t played master duel in probably a year but was happy I managed to hit the highest bracket I think, with traptrix and the Egyptian gods as my two decks.
1 year

Recent return to yugioh

Haven’t played master duel in probably a year but was happy I managed to hit the highest bracket I think, with traptrix and the Egyptian gods as my two decks.

Those are always fun, I want to build the Egyptian God decks too smiley Mostly going to play casual I think, but maybe a couple of the interesting rogue deck options competitively
1 year

Recent return to yugioh

I’d love to be able to play a pure ghost tricks deck and have it not get completely destroyed by anything. I’d highly recommend the Egyptian god deck it’s super fun and sometimes you get instances where you can just shut down a deck with slifers ability or you just die because ra ate all your life points.
1 year

Recent return to yugioh

I’d love to be able to play a pure ghost tricks deck and have it not get completely destroyed by anything. I’d highly recommend the Egyptian god deck it’s super fun and sometimes you get instances where you can just shut down a deck with slifers ability or you just die because ra ate all your life points.

I think Ra might be better off with Sphere mode and Phoenix mode personally. The 'reduce your life points until you have 100' is not worth it from a strategic sense unless you have lethal or OTK. But using its pay 1000 to pop a card or having it gain its attack points through Sphere mode/Phoenix mode might be nicer, as you can cycle through its various states.

But I love the idea of Slifer control, and Obelisk at least has some protection so it may be able to get off an attack or two, or its monster wipe effect with a couple of generic negates in your hand.
1 year

Recent return to yugioh

its time to doo ddo do doo do duel
1 year

Recent return to yugioh

its time to doo ddo do doo do duel


1 year

Recent return to yugioh

I loved & played Yu-Gi-Oh! for years man! I quit several years ago, however, because the game hit a point where it was no longer fun to play. I only got to really play in tournaments & of course the meta was so completely broken that you either played a meta deck or you just didn't play... The game turned into solitaire & I just couldn't stand it anymore! So I quit & never looked back. Frankly, there are days where I want to play again, but I just can't get over how much absolute bullshit ensued & I just don't want to subject myself to that kind of torture again. I'm already dealing with self-loathing & I don't need to subject myself to anymore masochism...

If you enjoy it, great! I'm happy for you. I wish I could enjoy it again, but Yu-Gi-Oh! is dead to me & that's my take. Feel free to ignore me.

Either way, God bless!
1 year
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