
Best author for weight gain?

Literature buffs on here, I have a question for you:

If there was to be a book about a character choosing to gain weight on purpose, for whatever reason, which author would you want to see helm this concept? Which author do you think would best handle this idea in execution? I admit it's a pretty vague premise to start with, but if there's a certain writer you had in mind for the concept (besides yourself), who would it be and why?
10 months

Best author for weight gain?

I think Updike would do a pretty good job with it. I like how gets inside a character‘s head and shines the flashlight into the corners.
10 months

Best author for weight gain?

Stephen King. He would be able to create such a great feederism horror story with amazing twists. Imagine a story like IT where kids throughout history are kidnapped by Pennywise just to be feed beyond recognition and re introduced to their family years later as humongous blobs.

Every snack would have 1,999 calories.
10 months

Best author for weight gain?

I’ve never read a Clive Cussler book, but if I wanted someone to get fat on a submarine, he’s the guy I’d turn to.
10 months

Best author for weight gain?

Or Michael Crichton, coming soon “Jurassic Fatties”

Or a remake of Sphere.
10 months

Best author for weight gain?

Literature buffs on here, I have a question for you:

If there was to be a book about a character choosing to gain weight on purpose, for whatever reason, which author would you want to see helm this concept? Which author do you think would best handle this idea in execution? I admit it's a pretty vague premise to start with, but if there's a certain writer you had in mind for the concept (besides yourself), who would it be and why?

Not really 'literature', but Bertrice Small. She wrote super steamy historical romance novels in the 70s/80s and her feasts and meal scenes rival GRR Martin's in their scope and detail.
10 months

Best author for weight gain?

Ray Bradbury. I'd love to see where that would go, both in speculative elements and social commentary.
10 months

Best author for weight gain?

Ray Bradbury. I'd love to see where that would go, both in speculative elements and social commentary.

Ooh, in a similar vein I'd like to see Ursula LeGuin's anthropological novel about a society that practices feedism, lots of potential for breaking down fatphobia and sizeism.
10 months

Best author for weight gain?

Letters And Numbers:
I think Updike would do a pretty good job with it. I like how gets inside a character‘s head and shines the flashlight into the corners.

In Rabbit Is Rich there are some weight gain issues. Rabbit goes to get some new pants and has to suck in to measure 39” because he doesn’t want to admit that he is really 40. Also, that hot wife of one of his friends is always complaining about gaining and one day by the pool he notices that she has put on some.
10 months

Best author for weight gain?

There really are some terrific bibliophiles in here! Loving this thread so far - watching with interest!

Personally I'd love to see Peter Watts or Dan Simmons do a science fiction take.
10 months
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