
Boston, Massachusetts, United States  

About me

Many of my premium stories started life as commissions. Message me if you're interested!

I've been reading fat-loving and feedist fic since I got my pink iMac set up in my dorm room in 1999, but never had the guts (tee hee) to start writing my own until recently.

I love writing romance, and have tried to write erotica without the mushy stuff in the past... it didn't go so well. I get a kick out of watching a relationship blossom and people learn how to be their true, best selves through the process.

I writ

Gender: female
Age: 44yrs
Weight: 150lbs
Height: 5’ 4" (163 cms)
Sexual orientation: bisexual
Fetish: fat appreciator
Online 49 mins
Visits website: rarely
Joined 2 years


Food: I have food allergies and am the worst.
Movies: Horror, romance, and anything that straddles (tee hee) the two. I have both artistic and sexual fantasies about Guillermo del Toro.
Music: Been on a real 90s electronica kick lately, must be getting old.
TV shows: I'm ready to be strong.
Cars: They get me places?
Books: NK Jemisin, CM Nacosta, Susanna Clark, Stephen King, Bertrice Small. GNU Sir Pterry.
Fashions: goth, in both romantic and hippie flavors.