Lifestyle tips

Gaining tips

You'll often find discussions on here of people stuffing themselves, personally though I find this uncomfortable.

Instead when I'm pushing myself to gain I use the 'little and often' approach, basically spreading out the amount of food I eat throughout the day. So instead of say one massive meal, I might have two smaller ones a few hours apart.

Remember, at the end of the day it's about the overall kcal intake.

Find food/meals/snacks which aren't filling but still high in kcal, McDonald's is a good example for me.

Also, if you go down the cream route, I make Ice Cream milkshakes and found using a relatively cheap small smoothie blender which has small bottles allot easier than my larger blender.


I'm not the OP, their post has been deleted.
2 months

Gaining tips

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to drink heavy whipping cream without feeling nauseous? Also, any good suggestions with flavoring it because the taste is god awful!
2 months

Gaining tips

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to drink heavy whipping cream without feeling nauseous? Also, any good suggestions with flavoring it because the taste is god awful!

Torani syrups are good for flavoring cream. It makes cream much like melted ice cream.
2 months

Gaining tips

Fresh milk/cream that you can skim out of the top of a canning jar is the only cream I really enjoyed.
And better with maple syrup.

Mmm mmm Good!
2 months

Gaining tips

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to drink heavy whipping cream without feeling nauseous? Also, any good suggestions with flavoring it because the taste is god awful!

If you’ve got a sensitive stomach, a little nausea might be inevitable when drinking cream. However, it helps a lot to start slow - only drink a tiny bit the first time and move up slowly each day. That’s how I’m able to handle it for at least a while despite getting easily nauseous even from normal food. Also, make sure you’ve eaten some real food first - not stuffing yourself (which can be fun before cream if you’re into it, but will definitely make you nauseous) but just giving your stomach something more solid with carbs and fiber to balance out the fat.

As for flavoring, I like to mix it with chocolate milk if I’m feeling lazy, or blend it with ice, frozen fruit, and honey to make a smoothie if I have the time. You can also make some delicious fattening hot cocoa with it. Hiding the nasty taste helps a little with the nausea too.
1 month

Gaining tips

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to drink heavy whipping cream without feeling nauseous? Also, any good suggestions with flavoring it because the taste is god awful!

If you’ve got a sensitive stomach, a little nausea might be inevitable when drinking cream. However, it helps a lot to start slow - only drink a tiny bit the first time and move up slowly each day. That’s how I’m able to handle it for at least a while despite getting easily nauseous even from normal food. Also, make sure you’ve eaten some real food first - not stuffing yourself (which can be fun before cream if you’re into it, but will definitely make you nauseous) but just giving your stomach something more solid with carbs and fiber to balance out the fat.

As for flavoring, I like to mix it with chocolate milk if I’m feeling lazy, or blend it with ice, frozen fruit, and honey to make a smoothie if I have the time. You can also make some delicious fattening hot cocoa with it. Hiding the nasty taste helps a little with the nausea too.

If you have a sensitive stomach, cooking with cream is probably better than drinking it. It's easier for the body to process than drinking it straight. Using enzymes to break down the lactose and fat can also help.

Either way, heavy cream is best used as a weight gain supplement over anything else.
1 month