Fat experiences

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

I think I was always fascinated at the thought of growing a big belly. When I was a kid I remember swallowing watermelon seeds because I was jokingly told they’d grow inside me, and being both relieved and disappointed I never grew a watermelon belly 😅

The moment I actually realized it was the scene from Men in Black 2. Serleena walking back around that bush with that big, sloshing gut made me realize how much I wanted one too.
3 months

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

I think I was always fascinated at the thought of growing a big belly. When I was a kid I remember swallowing watermelon seeds because I was jokingly told they’d grow inside me, and being both relieved and disappointed I never grew a watermelon belly 😅

The moment I actually realized it was the scene from Men in Black 2. Serleena walking back around that bush with that big, sloshing gut made me realize how much I wanted one too.

Oh my god, how did I forget about that scene? That’s was definitely a moment of realization. I’ll bet it was a key influence for a lot of people here.
3 months

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

It's one of my earliest memories, actually. I must've been three or four at the time, and the Fairly OddParents episode You Doo Doll/Just Desserts came on. The Just Desserts episode was what got me. I didn't know what was happening, just that the episode of the show made me feel really funny in a good way. It was my favorite episode of the show after that. My favorite episodes of most shows were the ones where characters ended up gaining a lot of weight, though I didn't make the connection until I was using the internet unsupervised for the first time.

I found weight gain comic videos first, then those slideshow type videos with no sound that used pictures of random, progressively larger women along with screens with a little story. Then I found DeviantArt, and my first weight gain story was about the Undercover Gain Agency (that really, really dates me). My first weight gain story on here (long before I got an account) was about a doctor encouraging a woman to gain weight during pregnancy. I don't remember many details about that one, other than the doctor kept telling her she needed to gain more to have a healthy baby. I don't think it was finished at the time though.

I never actually "got off" back then, that didn't happen until I was much older and remembered the few sick days I had way too young and spent reading fiction about people getting fat. Funnily enough, the thing that reminded me of that time was my ex boyfriend at the time telling me about the wg/fat fetish art he'd found on DA, complaining very loudly to me about how gross it was and that the drawings looked more like MS Paint circles than "actual art". He claimed it was disgusting and weird and that he thought people who were interested in that stuff were sick, but he also brought up fat fetish art a couple times a year, always complaining about how bad it was. I started looking into the story side of things again, and I've recognized my interest ever since. I never told him that I was interested in wg/feedism, hell I actively denied it when he accused me of having a fat fetish, but I suspect that he was probably a lot more interested than he claimed. I mean, why else would he actively go looking for fat fetish art?
2 months

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

When I was very young there was a TV show called "Girlfriends". I cannot remember the name of the episode and I regrettably have not been able to find it since.

At the end of the episode one of the women and her husband have a dream sequence where they are both stuffing each other out of a fridge. Their trim fit physiques were gone and replaced by beautiful thick round fat bodies. They were both stuffing each other and remarkably happy. That episode was what sent me over the edge.

If anyone knows the episode or can find it, I would be indebted. I have searched to no avail.
2 months

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

Not 100% sure. I was attracted to fat girls pretty much from jump, and at some point when I was like 19 I came to understand that actually I myself wanted to be really fat. And, specifically, I wanted somebody else to make me get really fat. I’m not sure what triggered i the change, besides exposure to the online community and realizing that it was even an option haha.
2 months

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

I don’t know the name of the cartoon but it was from the 90’s and looney tunes adjacent.

There is a family of pigs on a roadtrip to an amusement park. The youngest pig brought a friend for the car ride and the friend keeps getting squashed in between and under the other pigs in the car because the whole family is fat and crammed into this tiny automobile.

The cartoon is called Tiny Toons: How I Spent My Summer Vacation. Hamton takes Plucky Duck on a family road trip to an amusement park.
2 months

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

I never had an "awakaning" like this, this kink has always been with me for as long as I can remember.
But reading all these stories makes me wonder: did these episodes that are mentioned here start your fat fetish, or was it rather awakening something that was there already for a long time but somehow you missed the signs and now you could connect the dots?
2 months
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