
Tell me something good

What's something good that happened to you today?
Getting off work early is my highlight.
3 days

Tell me something good

What's something good that happened to you today?
Getting off work early is my highlight.

Today was a peaceful day.

This is especially good seeing that the world is on fire lately.
3 days

Tell me something good

What's something good that happened to you today?
Getting off work early is my highlight.

Today was a peaceful day.

This is especially good seeing that the world is on fire lately.

Yep - I'll take 'em when I get 'em.
3 days

Tell me something good

My boss told me that I was doing a great job of performing under pressure.

I told her that I was actually singing Bohemian Rhapsody, but thanks anyway.
3 days

Tell me something good

What's something good that happened to you today?
Getting off work early is my highlight.

I’ve learned how to become more independent and self-sufficient now that my mom has been out on vacation for three weeks. Feel very proud about that.
3 days

Tell me something good

What's something good that happened to you today?
Getting off work early is my highlight.

I’ve learned how to become more independent and self-sufficient now that my mom has been out on vacation for three weeks. Feel very proud about that.

Thats amazing!! smiley

A few weeks ago i managed to litteraly rebel and force my parents to allow me to cook lunch (spaggeti!) for the first time ever! I was really proud of that and the entier family liked it a lot!
3 days

Tell me something good

What's something good that happened to you today?
Getting off work early is my highlight.

This is a simingly simple question but i have difficulty with answering it in a similarly simple manner. I dont think that good things are just an absence of bad things (ie. Getting off work early is not a good thing, but rather its a not-bad thing. Which is great and opens up the space for good things to happen but i dont think we should categorise it as a good thing itself). And i want to make that distinction between things that are not bad and things that are actually good! For example a hug is a good thing! A calm moment, in the sense of a moment that doesnt have rush, anxiety, horror etc, is not a good thing itself its only a not bad thing. People might look at it that way but thats only when they compare things. So its not very objective.

Now, having said that, right now its morning for me, therefore not much has happened yet. But i can tell you in more general. It doesnt necesarily have to be something that happened today after all, if im guessing correctly what your motivations were for writing this post!

What good things have happened in my life recently? I already mentioned i managed to force my parents to allow me to cook lunch for the first time ever. It was a learning experience for me and i loved that!
Other than that, i went out with friends and had a first discussion about an organization im trying to build up. And it was very interesting because we talked quite a lot about the structure that it should have! (most creative conversation i ever had, basically)
An other thing is that my thesis, on which i have been puting a lot of effort, is finally coming together! Which is incredibly satisfying and will also serve as a motivation for future projects!
And a final thing, but one that has happened quite a few months ago, is that i finally had the curage to ask a colleage of mine to hang out, and theyre now a very good friend of mine!

I should also now mention a paradox. You just made my day better, which is also a good thing! Im now more motivated to work on great things! Thank you! ☺️
3 days

Tell me something good

@AgaMcBees getting off work early is such a good feeling! My good thing today was my Feeder messaging me a cute good morning text. That always makes me smile and starts my day well ☺️ Hope tmw is also a good day for you!
3 days

Tell me something good

What's something good that happened to you today?
Getting off work early is my highlight.

This is a simingly simple question but i have difficulty with answering it in a similarly simple manner. I dont think that good things are just an absence of bad things (ie. Getting off work early is not a good thing, but rather its a not-bad thing. Which is great and opens up the space for good things to happen but i dont think we should categorise it as a good thing itself). And i want to make that distinction between things that are not bad and things that are actually good! For example a hug is a good thing! A calm moment, in the sense of a moment that doesnt have rush, anxiety, horror etc, is not a good thing itself its only a not bad thing. People might look at it that way but thats only when they compare things. So its not very objective.

Getting off work early can absolutely be a good thing! Not sure what you’re talking about here, but please don’t try to pigeonhole or categorize other user’s experiences in this thread, except to celebrate them. And no more discussion is needed on this particular issue. Back to the topic.
3 days

Tell me something good

Love this idea! Always happy to read about some positivity.

For me, had an altercation with my brother over the weekend (I’ll spare you the details) that could have damaged our relationship. But he reached out, we talked through it, now I think we’re in a better place because of that conversation.
3 days
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