
For those who have gained on purpose...

1. Do you ever regret it?
2. Do you frequently regret it?
3. Do you have mixed feelings about it?
4. If you had it to do over, would you still do it?
5. If you had it to do over, would you have started gaining even sooner?
6. Do you plan to gain more in the future, stay the same or lose weight? Or are you just going to see what happens?

These are pretty much yes or no questions, but feel free to add details.

1. No.
2. No.
3. No.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.

6. Yes, I'm going to try to pack as much fat on as possible until I reach a point of equilibrium with my weight lifting. I dont intend to give up any of my mobility, so I'm going to keep getting fatter and stronger until ive reached a point where im as big as I can possibly carry myself.
1 year

For those who have gained on purpose...

1. Do you ever regret it?
2. Do you frequently regret it?
3. Do you have mixed feelings about it?
4. If you had it to do over, would you still do it?
5. If you had it to do over, would you have started gaining even sooner?
6. Do you plan to gain more in the future, stay the same or lose weight? Or are you just going to see what happens?

These are pretty much yes or no questions, but feel free to add details.

1. No
2. No
3. No
4. Yes
5. Yes, and would have started hormones sooner to influence the gain
6. Plan to stay the same, but won't be necessarily consciously "maintaining*--meaning im not trying to get fatter but i won't stop it if it happens
1 year

For those who have gained on purpose...

1. Do you ever regret it?
2. Do you frequently regret it?
3. Do you have mixed feelings about it?
4. If you had it to do over, would you still do it?
5. If you had it to do over, would you have started gaining even sooner?
6. Do you plan to gain more in the future, stay the same or lose weight? Or are you just going to see what happens?
Not sure
1 year

For those who have gained on purpose...

1. Do you ever regret it?

No because I wanted to see and feel what it's like.

2. Do you frequently regret it?

No because I wanted to see and feel what it's like.

3. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Yes because I am health conscious and also a bit of a hypochondriac so as soon as I get any ache or pain I think I have diabetes or kidney failure or some shit. Anyway I limit my gains because of this. As for the "social" side of it, I couldn't give a shit about that.

4. If you had it to do over, would you still do it?

Eh maybe not now at my age.

5. If you had it to do over, would you have started gaining even sooner?

Not sure.

6. Do you plan to gain more in the future, stay the same or lose weight? Or are you just going to see what happens?

Most likely will lose it after reaching this goal.
1 month

For those who have gained on purpose...

1. Do you ever regret it? Nope not at all
2. Do you frequently regret it? Nope
3. Do you have mixed feelings about it? Sometimes but it usually goes away lol.
4. If you had it to do over, would you still do it? Yes I would.
5. If you had it to do over, would you have started gaining even sooner? Yes I would.
6. Do you plan to gain more in the future, stay the same or lose weight? Or are you just going to see what happens? I'm wanting to keep getting bigger, the sky is the limit. Honestly it would be awesome to be immobile someday, but I don't think I could ever reach immobility unless I won the lottery.
1 month

For those who have gained on purpose...

1. Do you ever regret it?
Sometimes, yes. There are times where I've been in a situation where the elevator or escalator is not working and I have to use stairs. Sometime if the pain in my back or knees flair up I have a moment of regret. But for the most part no, the moments I do are fleeting and not that often.

2. Do you frequently regret it?
No, for the most part no. It's only when the pain in my knees or back get acute that I feel regret, but even then I know I'll ride the harder parts of being fat out.

3. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

4. If you had it to do over, would you still do it?

5. If you had it to do over, would you have started gaining even sooner?
Much sooner. I tried to gain at a much younger age, but "didn't do it right" - ate poorly, didn't have a confident body image to start with, wasn't in the right headspace. It wasn't the right time in my life to do it. If I could do it again, I'd do it earlier in my life and better prepared.

6. Do you plan to gain more in the future, stay the same or lose weight? Or are you just going to see what happens?

Go with the flow.
1 month

For those who have gained on purpose...

1. Do you ever regret it?
2. Do you frequently regret it?
3. Do you have mixed feelings about it?
4. If you had it to do over, would you still do it?
5. If you had it to do over, would you have started gaining even sooner?
6. Do you plan to gain more in the future, stay the same or lose weight? Or are you just going to see what happens?

These are pretty much yes or no questions, but feel free to add details.

1. No.
2. No.
3. No, it’s mostly positive. The only negatives are body-image related. Sometimes I don’t like how my double chin looks e.g.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.
6. Yes, I would like to experience at least 20 more lbs.
1 month

For those who have gained on purpose...

1. Do you ever regret it?

No. But I’m only actively gaining a few weeks. So far I love it
2. Do you frequently regret it?


3. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

I’m afraid of it going too far. So I guess so.
4. If you had it to do over, would you still do it?

Yes. It’s been a great experience

5. If you had it to do over, would you have started gaining even sooner?

Yes. Definitely

6. Do you plan to gain more in the future, stay the same or lose weight? Or are you just going to see what happens?

Definitely gain more. At some point I will need to stop. I probably wont want to, but it’s unrealistic to be as big as I imagine
1 week

For those who have gained on purpose...

I will start by saying I am a serial yo-yo dieter

1. Do you ever regret it?

Every once in a while, but in the end, I want to be fat.

2. Do you frequently regret it?


3. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

I have wanted to be fit before, but.I'm in a gaining phase right now.

4. If you had it to do over, would you still do it?

Yes. I've always wanted to be fat. Even when losing weight.

5. If you had it to do over, would you have started gaining even sooner?

Yes. I didn't have any luck until I was 22 despite my best efforts.

6. Do you plan to gain more in the future, stay the same or lose weight? Or are you just going to see what happens?

Like I wrote in question 3, I am in a gaining phase. I'm within a few pounds from my highest weight (268) and only a few more til I reach my goal (275). And more open to gaining past that than ever.
1 week

For those who have gained on purpose...

1. Do you ever regret it? - -YES. But iv accepted this as what I am now.
2. Do you frequently regret it?---- I used to. My regret was waking up and not being able to get out of bed, I never thought about being trapped like that. It scared me.
3. Do you have mixed feelings about it? ---- less mixed now. Mostly acceptance. Now. I'll never be trainign for a half marathon again so why hold on to the past.
4. If you had it to do over, would you still do it? ----no. I would rather be back in low 100’s. until I get into one of my moods, then I would want to do it all over again and more.
5. If you had it to do over, would you have started gaining even sooner? ---- I had two minor forays into gaining in MS. When I get into one of my idealistaic moods I would want to have continued gaining then.
6. Do you plan to gain more in the future, stay the same or lose weight? Or are you just going to see what happens? ---- Our plan now is for me to stay close to 400 till April 1. Then I want to lose. BUT, ALSO, ive been unable to get up and while it was scary it was exciting and I proved to myself that I could lose to get back to being mobile again. SOOOO I will definitely explore temporary immobility in the future.
1 week
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