Fat experiences

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

Well my expanding butt exploded out of my pants while doing the housework today.

Good actually, since the exposure of its substantial and increasing surface area lost me several hundred watts of excess heat energy from all that vacuuming and dusting, no doubt.
1 month

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

I know I’m getting plump, I feeling it everywhere, especially with smaller things like getting up, cannot put shoes easily and etc., the most embarrassing was when I finished eating yesterday my belly was exposed and one of my family members was just standing there and was patting on my lower belly, it was WEIRD!
1 month

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

When I was at a party with friends I hadn't seen for a long time. I've gained about 50 pounds since I last saw them. One of my friends' partner was pregnant, so as a joke they put on a baby show for her and me - my belly was actually sticking out.
1 month

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

Several experiences similar to others. The one that has stuck has been breaking my office chair. I leaned back and the thing just snapped. The metal rod broke. Must have been weeks or months in the making, but I had no idea those things have weight recommendations.
1 month

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

I was at the gym, not that long ago wearing sweatpants. I thought that fit while on the treadmill until I heard a very distinctive ripping sound, realizing I just ripped my sweatpants from the crotch all the way up my ass very embarrassing needless to say I can get out of there fast enough.
1 month

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

i wouldn't call it embaracing, but i once ate so much sweet in public and my coworkers were smiling at me and giggles, i was just enjoying myself so i didn't care, but i understand if someone would feel embarace
1 month

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

Mine was comming back to work from lunch after eating a hefty amount of food. I ate so much that when i sat back in my chair my pants button popped.
1 month

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

Getting on a bus to find I could not fit down the aisle between the seats. So people in the accessible to me front seats had to move down, with a lot of fuss, very embarrassing.
4 weeks

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

Saw my hot ex-Gf at a bar about 4 years after we broke up. Our sex had been off-the-charts, she was really into my then-lean body. I was into her curvy figure and big, perfect boobs and sweet little mouth.

She saw me with my fat stomach and chubby face and she was clearly grossed out and judgemental. It was like I had let her down. I will never forget the look of disappointment on her face.
3 weeks

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

What do you expect while you were out in public. But all she could do later is think about how nice it would be to be having sex with you bumping into you new fat belly.
3 weeks
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