
From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

keep your eye on the "events" forum for meet-ups that are happening in your area, if you want to casually meet people as opposed to try and date them.

i've been to several over the years, and they are have mostly been grate. the best ones have just been at local pubs and are pretty informal. the last one my partner and i attended together, and it was very low-key, a nice night.
6 months

From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

Growing Rolls:
Has anyone here had the opportunity to travel to meet someone they connected with online in person? A feeder meeting? feeder- weekend? Anything?

Never in the feederism sense, but I have met countless people IRL through online gaming communities. So I have been in many places around Europe and still hold a daily connection with most people I have met online.

First time meetings for me, I am so used to it at this point that I dont really feel anxious or anything about it. It just feels fun meeting up with friends and even more so in person.

Im very much used to traveling alone by plane and foreign public transports so I have been quite active on it during my years.
6 months

From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

Growing Rolls:
Hello everyone,

In a world where online interactions can bring so much joy and connection, I'm dreaming of experiencing some of this in real life. While we may be far apart, the friendships and experiences we share online are meaningful. Has anyone here had the opportunity to travel to meet someone they connected with online in person? A feeder meeting? feeder- weekend? Anything? If so, I’d love to hear about your experiences. What was it like to transition from virtual interactions to face-to-face meetings? Were there any surprises or insights you gained from this experience?

Hello, in the last year I have been travelling to meet an ssbbw that I met online. We've been talking about how to go about immigrating to each others countries to eventually live together (she's american, Im canadian). She's going to be spending a few weeks at my place for the first time in the middle of the month and Im introducing her to my family. Im super excited. Outside of the fetish we get along really well and seem to be on the same page about how we want to build our lives. She's definatly one of the best things that's ever happened to me and Im excited for her to see my home (I've been going to the united states to visit her mostly).
6 months

From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

18 years on this site and 20 years in the syndicate and I've met some of the WORST human beings I've ever seen. I've also met some of the nicest, most caring ppl of all time as well.

Meetups can go either way. Just make sure to cherish the good memories because they'll be worth it.
6 months

From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

I've met 2 people, the first we went on several dates before ghosting me.

The other went fucking psyco when I said I couldn't meet her for breakfast one morning, I'm talking hundreds of voice mails and text messages that equated to "How dare you not make time for me" or "or cheating on me you fucking piece of shit". It should be noted we had only been on ONE date before this.
5 months

From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

I’ve met so many people in the span of 4 years man. I couldn’t even begin… so many memories… some destined.
5 months

From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

I’ve met so many people in the span of 4 years man. I couldn’t even begin… so many memories… some destined.
5 months

From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

I have. About 30% of my friends are people I met online. From other parts of America, to Western European nations, to Japan, I've met several long distance friends. 😀
5 months

From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

I've met one person from online (feabie) in person and it was alright, just talked and nothing happened to be fair they were just in my area for the weekend.
5 months

From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

Growing Rolls:
Hello everyone,

In a world where online interactions can bring so much joy and connection, I'm dreaming of experiencing some of this in real life. While we may be far apart, the friendships and experiences we share online are meaningful. Has anyone here had the opportunity to travel to meet someone they connected with online in person? A feeder meeting? feeder- weekend? Anything? If so, I’d love to hear about your experiences. What was it like to transition from virtual interactions to face-to-face meetings? Were there any surprises or insights you gained from this experience?

Hello, in the last year I have been travelling to meet an ssbbw that I met online. We've been talking about how to go about immigrating to each others countries to eventually live together (she's american, Im canadian). She's going to be spending a few weeks at my place for the first time in the middle of the month and Im introducing her to my family. Im super excited. Outside of the fetish we get along really well and seem to be on the same page about how we want to build our lives. She's definatly one of the best things that's ever happened to me and Im excited for her to see my home (I've been going to the united states to visit her mostly).

I know I'm late to this but if you don't know look into the K1 visa. This is a step for couples looking to get married that helps with choosing which country to immigrate too.
2 weeks
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