Fat experiences

Issues with cars?

How do you deal with getting to fat for your car? It's a real problem and I need solutions. Stop eating is not on the table
3 months

Issues with cars?

Last year, I got too fat for my Toyota Camry. I had been making small adjustments for quite a while, like seat belt extenders and pedal extensions. Eventually, I got big enough that none of those adaptations were enough, and I upgraded to a minivan. I do struggle a bit to reach the steering wheel because I'm very belly heavy, so I don't drive often or far. I think if I gained another 50 lb (which I'm not planning on), I'd no longer be able to drive at all.
3 months

Issues with cars?

How do you deal with getting to fat for your car? It's a real problem and I need solutions. Stop eating is not on the table

There are wide variations in the dimensions and geometry of the driver's compartment in different cars. The best way to determine which models are compatible is to visit auto shows and dealerships to actually sit behind the wheel and test the adjustments.

We've had great success with my wife being comfortable in the larger Ford and Hyundai sedans, plus the larger Kia, Hyundai, and Chevrolet SUVs over the years.
3 months

Issues with cars?

Hyundai is a great fat positive vehicle. Can't recommend them enough for they are pretty wide in the front. Chevrolet can break the bank but to me they are the most fat friendly vehicle with comfort in mind.
2 weeks

Issues with cars?

I can barely drive at all.
I depend on my BFF, bf and Sister for rides ot work when i go in.
Reaching the pedals was a small issue before i got like this.
the issues now are my gut laying on my thighs and how fat my legs are make it difficult for me to lift them to operate a manual transmission.

the extra padding on my back side means i cant comfortable reach the pedals with enough force to push them down all the way.
expecially the clutch.
The steering wheel rubs my stomach too.

About every wekeend though we go up on the backroads and he helps me behind the wheel. put it in first or second and i can drive out in the middle of nowhere safely
2 weeks

Issues with cars?

Time for an automatic. Manuals are not very common anymore. I'm 74, and have never driven one.
2 weeks

Issues with cars?

Small cars and big trucks, not fatty friendly. Lol. My brother has a big truck and it can be hard to haul my large rear up and half jump to get a cheek on the seat. I always think I am going to break the "Oh shit" handle and fall right out, haha.
Then my sister has a smaller car. Which is ok, kind of. But I need the seat all the way back for my legs to fit and for the seatbelt to click without strangling me. No one can really sit behind me in the car.
My favorite thing to ride in, speaking from the squishy passenger point of view, is the Ford Escape. It's not huge, it's not small, it is just right, haha.
2 weeks

Issues with cars?

Back when we were younger and money was tight, I bought my wife a used Saturn with a 5-speed manual transmission. It was much less expensive, about half the price of comparable automatic models.

With minimal instruction from me, she got the hang of it and quickly became proficient. Overall the car was fairly comfortable for her, but a bit tight. After a year or so I got a deal on a larger KIA which fit her better and sold the Saturn.

Seeing her in that Saturn, handling it like a champ, was actually a turn on for me. I'm impressed by women who can drive manuals, especially since these days even many guys can't.
2 weeks