I gained about 30 pounds right at the beginning of quarantine from 255- 285. I was not intending to gain at all, but stress and cancelling my gym membership had me at my highest weight in years in early May of last year. I was conflicted about it, since it is heavier than I like to live my everyday life, but I did find it sexy., and while I felt sexy, being at home all day with my kids around meant I never got to put that to use with my wife or by myself. I used the good summer weather to get active outside and lose about half, and have maintained there since. I am still about 15 pounds heavier than I would normally like to be but am OK with it, and had to really adjust my eating and set up a home gym to get through the holidays last year.
I don't know who else is in this boat, but what has changed is that I have a confidence now that if I were to really lean into trying to gain weight, I would be really good at it. That also makes me want to do it less as if I did gain a bunch of weight there is no one in my life to show it off to. My wife wouldn't care; she knows I don't ever want to be skinny, but she also wouldn't appreciate it like I would want.
3 years