I saw this on reddit and it works great, tell me if heard about it before. Credits to Loberono
"Mhh I do this differently, but this stuff is just like with people that can turn off their gagging reflex and pour liquid straight into their stomach or people that can wildly move their ears - it's really hard to describe how to do it and the biggest issue is finding the right muscles to move. I try to explain it the way I do it... 1. Hold reverse-burping motion in your throat and have your mouth open (congrats if you don't know the right muscles to move for that... you can hopefully find them by doing the burping motion in your throat and sucking in your belly, when you suck small amount of air into your stomach without gulping , then you found the right motion) 2. Suck in your belly 3. when belly is sucked in tense your stomach muscles 4. slowly push out your belly while keeping muscle tension that should suck air into your stomach when you managed to keep your throat "open".
"Mhh I do this differently, but this stuff is just like with people that can turn off their gagging reflex and pour liquid straight into their stomach or people that can wildly move their ears - it's really hard to describe how to do it and the biggest issue is finding the right muscles to move. I try to explain it the way I do it... 1. Hold reverse-burping motion in your throat and have your mouth open (congrats if you don't know the right muscles to move for that... you can hopefully find them by doing the burping motion in your throat and sucking in your belly, when you suck small amount of air into your stomach without gulping , then you found the right motion) 2. Suck in your belly 3. when belly is sucked in tense your stomach muscles 4. slowly push out your belly while keeping muscle tension that should suck air into your stomach when you managed to keep your throat "open".
2 years