Anyone else forced into sports at a young age? Most of my life I've worked hard and worked out nearly every day to be a basketball and vollyball player.
But it wasn't my thing and now I feel like eating and enjoying myself and not being an athlete.
Ugh idk anyone get me?
Honestly yes, when I was a freshman in highschool my dad made me pick a sport to join. I ended up joining wrestling, which basically has built in eating disorders, because you're regularly weighed and you have to stay under specific numbers. I was really underweight at the time (125 lbs) so I was out in the 126 weight class and was told for that entire year I was not allowed to go above that number.
That worked out for the first couple months but I just felt so scrawny and weak. Like I was working out every day so my muscles wanted to grow but I couldn't eat enough to let them because I couldn't gain more than a pound that entire year. Luckily the pandemic happened that spring and brought everything to a halt. I was still lifting weights but I didn't have any restrictions as of course, all the sports games got cancelled.
I ended up gaining like 45 lbs of lean body mass within the first couple months alone. My parents still made me diet and we never had any sort of junk food in the house, so even though I was a lot heavier I still looked really thin and it was messing with my body image. I hated that I was 170 lbs but you could still see every one of my ribs.
Now I'm finally moved out of my parents house and I can eat whatever I want. I still lift weights because it's a comfort to me, but I make no attempt at dieting. I'm a lot softer now and I love my new body.