Story authors

Word processors

Hello all! What word processors is everyone using to write these fantastic stories? I have a ton of ideas for stories and I'd like to try my hand at this.

Are there any programs I can download for free or cheap? Any help would be appreciated.

I used Open Office. It's similar to Word, but it's free and open source.
2 years

Word processors

I do everything on Google docs, and--y'all are gonna think I'm crazy when I tell you this--but if you're ever having writers block, change the font to Comic Sans. Every time I use this trick I suddenly get super productive.

Gonna try that on a non-fetish story I'm struggling with. See what happens.
2 years

Word processors

I do everything on Google docs, and--y'all are gonna think I'm crazy when I tell you this--but if you're ever having writers block, change the font to Comic Sans. Every time I use this trick I suddenly get super productive.

This is how I revise! I write/draft in one font and revise and edit in another.
2 years

Word processors

This former graphic design major's eye just twitched. For the love of god, anything but comic sans. 😆
2 years

Word processors

I do everything on Google docs, and--y'all are gonna think I'm crazy when I tell you this--but if you're ever having writers block, change the font to Comic Sans. Every time I use this trick I suddenly get super productive.

Do you have any idea why?

It might just be a personal thing.

I have problems with my vision, problems with my attention span, and I'm autistic.

Ans somehow when I'm working with a bold obnoxious font it makes me think twice about my writing, engages my attention, and all of the sudden I can see.
2 years

Word processors

Hello all! What word processors is everyone using to write these fantastic stories? I have a ton of ideas for stories and I'd like to try my hand at this.

Are there any programs I can download for free or cheap? Any help would be appreciated.

I used Open Office. It's similar to Word, but it's free and open source.

It's also very well-supported.
2 years

Word processors

Thanks for all of the replies!! Gonna look into Google Docs and Open Office.
2 years

Word processors

I have used Libre Office - - it is the closest you will get to MS Office, and it's totally free.
2 years

Word processors

I use Scrivener for story-writing, but for basic word-processing, I like TextMaker, which is a free Microsoft Word clone. You do have to pony up an email address so they can send you an activation code, but otherwise it costs nothing.
2 years

Word processors

I do everything on Google docs, and--y'all are gonna think I'm crazy when I tell you this--but if you're ever having writers block, change the font to Comic Sans. Every time I use this trick I suddenly get super productive.

Do you have any idea why?

It's just like any hack; YMMV. But it seems to work for a lot of people. If you look it up, you'll find a lot of people making this claim for years.

The common explanation is that it's just easy to read, with every letter having a distinct, unconventional, but legible form; it even helps people with dyslexia. Conversely, some people argue that its benefits come from its strangeness, even illegibility; you pay attention to it more easily because it's unfamiliar.
2 years
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