Fat experiences

Anybody here played a sport,got really fat,then tried to play it again

ex wrestler n ballet dancer here, due to injuries I had to give it up, n switched to beer n food
1 month

Anybody here played a sport,got really fat,then tried to play it again

I used to run track, play soccer, and basketball. I know running is out of the question for me now. But I have been putting on a lot of muscle *and* fat.

So when I was invited to "shoot some hoops" not even play a game, I thought, no problem. I went to do a layup, and I got NO AIR. Like, there's no upward motion. I felt like a BRICK. It shocked me. I tried a few more times, and I was told I went up an inch, maybe two. 😳🤣

I'm also stronger and lost my touch for the net, I was blasting them off the backboard, throwing bricks, it was hilarious. 🏀

🦏 I'm a bloody rhino.
1 month

Anybody here played a sport,got really fat,then tried to play it again

I played rec softball when I was around 270 years ago, was really athletic for near 300lbs, didn’t have really any problems out there. Fast forward to a year ago and now I’m 425, I thought it would be a good idea to join my friends team after doing nothing athletically for years, it was pretty embarrassing lol. I still had the instincts from playing and could still hit but running felt so difficult, running to first felt like it took forever. I had to call for a runner every time. Knowing I couldn’t run I had to play catcher.
1 month

Anybody here played a sport,got really fat,then tried to play it again

This doesn't fully count because I never stopped lifting weights, but it is fun over the last year seeing how much more space I fill on the bench. Im not too big so I still have plenty of room on most of the machines, but it'll feel great when I get too big for some of them
1 month

Anybody here played a sport,got really fat,then tried to play it again

Before Covid i was training for a half marathon.
Broke my ankle before the shut down and spent the next year and a half trying to get back to what i was before but instead just kept packing it on.
Tried the elliptical a few months ago.
I was too heavy for it but tried anyway and it took literaly 15-30 seconds before I thought I would pass out
1 month

Anybody here played a sport,got really fat,then tried to play it again

Thats sooo attractive did you fully give into be a a feedee or were you in denial of it ??
1 month

Anybody here played a sport,got really fat,then tried to play it again

That's sooo attractive did you fully give into be a a feedee or were you in denial of it ??[/quote

At the time I quit soccer due to a combination of uninteresting reasons,I still love the sport tho

When I quit the team,I lost a ton of weight naturally with the extreme training they put me through.I was still a little chubby but it probably the lightest ive ever been in my life

Fast forward a year or 2,I naturally gained the weight back because it's a habit for me to eat a lot more then i should.This is also around the time i discovered feederism which I got more involved with over time but I was on the fence whether I wanted to gain intentionally.It took me 2 years to finally commit to become a full time gainer and fast forward a 5 years later,I went from 235 pound all the way to 330 pounds.
1 month
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