Extreme obesity

Extreme obesity irl

I like Social Influencer JayBee's truth and energy, as unfortunately the same issues from the 80s-2000s are still present in 2025. I give her credit, though IMO (over time)..1 can't expect society to 'act right' much less make accommodations for those disabled or super/ultra sized to make life outside easier.

Yeah I think I agree with JayBee stuff as well. It’s very unfortunate A LOT of people don’t sit well in her comments section.
1 month

Extreme obesity irl

performing my job=no problem
getting to my job- problem

Although not extremely obese compared ot others
my height and body type have made it impossible for me to drive myself safely
maybe if i could get the seat to go back further.
My legs are so big that i have trouble breaking fast if i need to
and the steering wheel is agaisnt my body so its hard to turn.

I'm lucky that i can work from home BUT i prefer to go go into work to seperate my home life from my work life.
1 month
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