
Necroposting question

Hey all!

I've noticed an uptick in necroposting lately, and I'm curious as to why. When I say necroposting, I'm specifically talking about posting to threads that have been dead for a year or more.

I've seen people necropost to personal ads long after OP left. I've seen people bump 14 year old threads where the majority of the users either deleted or are no longer on the site. Just last night, someone bumped a 4 year old post to leave personal medical data.

This is not a call out post. I'm genuinely curious as to why you do what you do.

I appreciate all of your responses!

I don't think people read or pay attention to the posts

looks at all of FF

You're not wrong

But at the same time, there are people that actively and knowingly necropost. See that guy who necroposted to a 4 year old thread to share his medical records.

Certified bruh moment


As best I can tell, he wanted to post on a pre-existing thread that was related to what he wanted to talk about.

And fair.

But why the aversion to creating a new post? Medical records aside, that is.
1 week

Necroposting question

I think the necro posting is a result of AI or Bots
1 week

Necroposting question

Morbidly A Beast:
I think the necro posting is a result of AI or Bots

Nah, because some of those people I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are real people.

I'm not saying that there aren't bots that do something, but I've encountered comparatively few bots in my years on this site. Most of the weird shit that happens involves an actual person behind the computer.
1 week

Necroposting question

It’s not to say that they are a bot or are an ai but they are using tools that scan the site
1 week

Necroposting question

Morbidly A Beast:
It’s not to say that they are a bot or are an ai but they are using tools that scan the site

Oh yeah, that is definitely happening to some degree. But I'm not convinced this is what is happening here unless you mean they are scanning the site to look for relevant topics to post about.

Sometimes, the replies are very low-effort. But other times, I can tell a lot of thought went into what they posted.
1 week

Necroposting question

So here’s my two cents on the matter.

I think that it really depends on the subject post and what the intention is. Like let’s say for example the thread about why so many people are mad about BP/FA movements, it maybe an old topic and the OP is long but gone… but the overall subject is still very important to be worthy discussed. Especially if someone wants to say something that’s still within the “theme” and actually has something that’s pretty thought out, then so be it. But if there’s a new updated 2025 (and onward) discussion about a certain topic, then that’s where I feel like a fresh post would be necessary.

Of course it could also be because some people have been waiting to comment on something that they have been wanting for awhile now but couldn’t due to life getting in the way or having that mental blockage to think clearly to write/type something. I mean I could’ve said something when this particular thread was still fresh but it ended up taking me 5 days to write something because of everything I just said above! It ain’t always fun when you work a physical job that sometimes takes a lot out of you. It’s especially true when you get worked up and stressed about something that happened causing you to can’t concentrate on knowing what you’re going to write.

Now I can see the annoying part when someone bumps an old post without taking any effort. Sometimes I wonder if they thought it was an interesting idea for everyone to see the old comments for a future reference?? I could be wrong, but that’s what I think.

Finally I’ve seen some people bump an old post in the Personal Ads section. I get that if the OP is still available/looking I would imagine that they would want to do so, that way their post doesn’t get lost in the void. But if it’s someone commenting on a Personal Ad topic that was a decade ago then yeah… they are clearly wasting their time.
1 day

Necroposting question

So here’s my two cents on the matter.

I think that it really depends on the subject post and what the intention is. Like let’s say for example the thread about why so many people are mad about BP/FA movements, it maybe an old topic and the OP is long but gone… but the overall subject is still very important to be worthy discussed. Especially if someone wants to say something that’s still within the “theme” and actually has something that’s pretty thought out, then so be it. But if there’s a new updated 2025 (and onward) discussion about a certain topic, then that’s where I feel like a fresh post would be necessary.

Of course it could also be because some people have been waiting to comment on something that they have been wanting for awhile now but couldn’t due to life getting in the way or having that mental blockage to think clearly to write/type something. I mean I could’ve said something when this particular thread was still fresh but it ended up taking me 5 days to write something because of everything I just said above! It ain’t always fun when you work a physical job that sometimes takes a lot out of you. It’s especially true when you get worked up and stressed about something that happened causing you to can’t concentrate on knowing what you’re going to write.

Now I can see the annoying part when someone bumps an old post without taking any effort. Sometimes I wonder if they thought it was an interesting idea for everyone to see the old comments for a future reference?? I could be wrong, but that’s what I think.

Finally I’ve seen some people bump an old post in the Personal Ads section. I get that if the OP is still available/looking I would imagine that they would want to do so, that way their post doesn’t get lost in the void. But if it’s someone commenting on a Personal Ad topic that was a decade ago then yeah… they are clearly wasting their time.

Makes sense.

Personally, I don't consider making a comment on a 5 day old post necroposting. Now, sometimes, I will see a comment that I missed from 3 or 4 days ago responding to something I said.

I usually respond to those unless the person is talking smack and the thread is long buried. No point in doing that, imo. That's just being messy.
1 day

Necroposting question

Is commenting on an older post a bad thing? A good thing? Just a thing?
Maybe someone is trying to stir up an issue where no issue exists
1 day

Necroposting question

Is commenting on an older post a bad thing? A good thing? Just a thing?
Maybe someone is trying to stir up an issue where no issue exists

Any time someone tries to stir up shit when there were no problems, it is a bad thing.
1 day

Necroposting question

I feel like if you're just continuing the conversation it's fine. Even if half the accounts previously in the conversation are now dormant, it lets the conversation carry on and maybe new people will add their opinions to the mix.
Necroposting gets problematic when people just do it just to horny post. The relationship forum regularly gets bombarded with guys (and it's always guys) spamming a post created by a woman months ago. Hell I saw one the other day where the original post was long deleted but guys were still commenting on it thirsting after getting a F feeder.
1 day
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