Lifestyle tips

What age did you discover you were into this

Honestly I remember watching a episode of Rugrats when I was about 4 or 5. Chuckie wishes he was never born in the episode, Angelica gets really fat in that episode and that single episode awoken this for me. Ever since that day, I wanted to be fat. It wasn’t until I was older that I started to gain weight and I became overweight, but unfortunately I was forced to lose the weight I did gain… Fast forward to 2010, I discovered this site and have been gaining off and on ever since.
2 years

What age did you discover you were into this

my first memory around 3 years old
2 years

What age did you discover you were into this

I knew I wanted to be fat and liked fat people since I was 5 when I saw a fat family, parents and kids all obese, and told my mom I wanted to be fat like them. My mom told me it's not good to be fat and that I shouldn't want to be fat. I remember another time when i was young where a nutrisystem commercial came on with someone talking about how they were embarrassed of being overweight and it showed their belly jiggling and I just knew that I wanted that for myself and I knew I felt like I would be happier as a fat person
2 years

What age did you discover you were into this

It's happened in stages:

1: Being a little kid, seeing cartoons of characters getting fat and thinking it looked fun and cute
2: As a geeky kid who read encyclopedias, finding Renaissance paintings of plump women and getting turned on for the first time
3: Going to college and dating a fat woman for the first time, though she hated her body
4: Finding and marrying a fat woman who's confident, loves her belly, and wouldn't mind getting immobile

Now it's escalated to the point where I feel like true romance is finding someone you love and making them as massive and obese as possible.
2 years

What age did you discover you were into this

i remember being 3 and being drawn to fat women
2 years

What age did you discover you were into this

Pretty much I mainly joined this website for advice. I get turned on by a girl gaining weight, doesnt have to be huge/ forced or anything just the idea of it. My girlfriend found out I was into this by going through my phone, she gets all kinda weird ideas in her head and now she said she wants to gain weight which just makes me feel guilty and generally I discorage it which makes her get confused and think I don't like her.

Thing is she wanted to lose weight when we met so the whole situation seems kind of backwards to me, if she actually wants to be in shape I don't want her to gain weight just for me (all be it though I would find it really hot).

I want to ask feedees if you all knew you wanted to gain weight since puberty type thing or did some of you genuinly have a complete mental switch during adulthood, if so was it because of a relationship or something else?

Unless she geniunly wants to be fat I can just imagine a situation a few years for now were she hates herself and her body and blames me. Thoughts?

Speaking from my point of view as a woman and how I would feel if it were me in this situation, it was probably almost somewhat of a relief to find out your attraction to bigger women. I know you said when you first met she was wanting to lose weight, but I think a lot of women say that because it’s been programmed into us because of society. We are made to think that if we’re bigger that we’re less attractive, so if we get the chance to date someone we actually really like, we grasp onto them and make it know that we will “better” ourselves to keep that person (i.e. working out and losing weight to be deemed more attractive). It comes from a place of insecurity, and that’s especially prevalent at the beginning of a relationship before you really know if your partner will love you no matter what you look like. So her knowing she doesn’t have to meet societal standards is probably a big relief to her.

But as for her actually wanting to actively gain and not just stop trying to lose weight adds another layer. I think of three possible scenarios for this situation.

The first scenario depends on if she currently has to eat really strictly and exercise to maintain her weight now. Because if so she might be saying she wants to gain because she knows that if she stops her current routine she will start gaining. So she is saying she wants to gain when she really knows that it’s inevitable if she lets loose. I could see this being the case especially since you said she is a foodie.

The second scenario is that she might want to gain to be more attractive to you like you stated. It’s like the reverse of what I was talking about earlier. But I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing. I know personally (and sorry this statement won’t be very feminist of me) but the person I most want to see me as attractive is my partner. I know that you’re supposed to do whatever to make you feel the most attractive to yourself, but I know personally I feel most attractive to myself when I know my partner is also in love with how I look. It’s like an extra affirmation. But like I said that just comes from how I feel and I know that not every woman thinks that way.

Then there is the third possible scenario that she might actually want to gain weight and has just been suppressing her desires because of societal pressures.

Also an important part of all of this is how serious is your relationship? Like do you see this lasting and are you in it for the long hall? Will you actually love her forever no matter what weight she is? Because if not, don’t let her gain the weight. If she gains and y’all breakup she will for sure hate you for that as it gets hard for larger women to date. And if you are in it for the long hall and don’t make it clear to her later on that you still love her and are still very much attracted her, that’s when she would start to blame you for how she looks because if she’s not getting that validation from you she’s going to turn back to what others think. And we know how the world generally feels about fat people. So just make sure you personally are prepared for all that if you both decide on her gaining.

But like I said this is all my personal opinion so take from it what you will. You maybe have already talked to her about all this since I’m replying so late. Would love an update on how things are going for y’all!
2 years

What age did you discover you were into this

Jiggle Junkie:
Age of first inkling of a fat attraction: 22.
Age at which i discovered fat admiration was a thing for others as well as me, and that i wasn’t a one-off freak of nature: 35.

I am surprised you had your first inkling of fat attraction only at 22. Out of curiosity: you never felt anything when you saw a big person before that age? I know it was before internet, but I grew up without internet as well and in a world with very few big people, but that was still enough to be aware of my fat attraction for as long as I can remember.
2 years

What age did you discover you were into this

Solid advice there. Talking to her is THE solution. That said, it's possible she's into this for her own kink, but I think the more likely cause for her being so quick to want to gain weight is the reason she was trying to lose it. If her only real reason for wanting to lose weight was just so she'd feel attractive, then this may be a bit of stress relief for her and she's just leaning into it. Either way talk to her clear the air, get motivation, and if this is something she really wants to pursue, remember informed consent is a thing. Make sure she knows what she's in for.

She defo wasn't looking to gain weight before, she wanted to lose it but as you said that was just to feel attractive (probably in instagram/ societies eyes). I would low key love it if this developed into a kink for her, but I doubt thats even possible and I dont want to force it.

The conversation has to happen, i'm quite an outgoing guy normally but when it comes to talking about this with her I kind of shrink haha. Thanks for your input, appreciated.

Feeder here. I'm glad you decided to have a conversation with her. This is good. I have some advice on how to go about it.

When you talk, I recommend going about it in a "I'm just curious" kind of way. Keep it light. Maybe, when you guys are cuddling or chilling together, ask her what she enjoys about gaining weight. Depending on what she says determines how the conversation will go.

Remember, don't put her one way or another. Let her be honest with you. And make sure you are actively listening to what she says.

Also, make sure your actions line up with your words. If you will love her at any size, make sure to show her that. Don't make all of your dates food related. Don't just feed her junk food. Keep her active by going on walks together. Nothing major. Just enough to show her that if she reversed course and decides she wants to loose weight, she knows you'll support her.

After thinking about it, I think she might be a foodie not a feedee, and shes just happy not to have to worry about food. I actually encourage her to work out and she does often anyway, shes not a big girl, probably just averagely thick, I jus like to see her eat good.

Thanks for your advice, I'll defo try to keep it casual and not put words in her mouth

Just wondering if you discussed this any further with her and how it went?
2 years

What age did you discover you were into this

I first discover the feeling when I was about, 6 years old.
1 year

What age did you discover you were into this

I was 10 I think. Kaley Cuoco had a movie I saw on TV where she put on a fat suit. Super hot to me at the time.
It's a Lifetime movie called Fat Like Me.
There was also another actually fat girl that could barely fit in her van.
1 year
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