Fat experiences

Busty guys

I have a feminine fat body. My belly’s is soft and hangs, rather than hard and round.

My moobs (I love them) are soft and saggy. They rest on my belly as I sit, I get so turned on sat at my desk feeling this
2 weeks

Busty guys

my belly sinks further and further my arms and legs soften my face gets puffier but my moobs remain the same as they did when I got them it’s weird
2 weeks

Busty guys

Morbidly A Beast:
my belly sinks further and further my arms and legs soften my face gets puffier but my moobs remain the same as they did when I got them it’s weird

Fat distribution is fascinating, no?
2 weeks

Busty guys

Morbidly A Beast:
my belly sinks further and further my arms and legs soften my face gets puffier but my moobs remain the same as they did when I got them it’s weird

Fat distribution is fascinating, no?

It is! Have no idea why my body wants to store fat in my lower belly arms and sides but I’m all for it
2 weeks

Busty guys

I feel like my chest is in a battle between being pecs or moobs. They have def softened and pillowed a bit but still have a bit of shape and can flex. They do rest on my belly tho when I sit
2 weeks

Busty guys

Ex Jock:
I feel like my chest is in a battle between being pecs or moobs. They have def softened and pillowed a bit but still have a bit of shape and can flex. They do rest on my belly tho when I sit

I feel like I'm slowly getting to that point. Mine are still mostly specs, but if I look at them as just the right angle I can see where fat is ever so slightly trying to creep in
2 weeks

Busty guys

When I'm upright, it now looks like my moobs are almost A-cup. If I lean forward, they seem bigger - I can cup them and they feel like proper boobs.
2 weeks

Busty guys

I "helped" an ex expand his Moobs.
BC pills really moved them along.
He go so that he would only go out in public wearing loose clothes and a jacket or a tight undershirt and a baggy jacket.

Estrogen in guys can do really amazing things as far as changing body type. It also makes them gain weight overall. Some men respond to this more than others. But my man... it was amazingly ridiculous.
He also got lazier and didnt exercise anymore.
in every way this is a good way to make a man change.
2 weeks

Busty guys

I "helped" an ex expand his Moobs.
BC pills really moved them along.
He go so that he would only go out in public wearing loose clothes and a jacket or a tight undershirt and a baggy jacket.

Estrogen in guys can do really amazing things as far as changing body type. It also makes them gain weight overall. Some men respond to this more than others. But my man... it was amazingly ridiculous.
He also got lazier and didnt exercise anymore.
in every way this is a good way to make a man change.

How big and heavy did he get?
2 weeks

Busty guys

I "helped" an ex expand his Moobs.
BC pills really moved them along.
He go so that he would only go out in public wearing loose clothes and a jacket or a tight undershirt and a baggy jacket.

Estrogen in guys can do really amazing things as far as changing body type. It also makes them gain weight overall. Some men respond to this more than others. But my man... it was amazingly ridiculous.
He also got lazier and didnt exercise anymore.
in every way this is a good way to make a man change.

Did the birth control change his mood in any way. And how mush did he take
2 weeks
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