
Story behind your username?

One of my usernames on another website (that I can’t remember) was ‘The Dark Lord Cuddles’. The McBK is for McDonald’s and Burger King, which.. I think I thought was funny at the time? Honestly, I made username years ago when I was a much weirder person, and now I’m just too lazy to try to change it, haha
6 months

Story behind your username?

I had been Mercedes on Dimensions. Way back then over 10 years ago I identified as a feeder. And I used to weigh only around 130-140lbs.

Now I chose ObeseCalorie because finally I've become obese. I now have a BMI of 32 so at last I can call myself obese.
Calorie because I'm obsessed with counting and numbers and have a bit of ocd with numbers.
6 months

Story behind your username?

I was trying to think of a username and I didnt know.

So I typed it out in german.

Ich weiss nicht

It means "I dont know"
6 months

Story behind your username?

I enjoy Japanese Mythology and figured it be neat
6 months

Story behind your username?

My ADHD took over on this and just made it happen lol. I bought myself a LEGO Star Wars set for my birthday this past May 7th, a model of the ship "The Invisible Hand." I started looking at that on my desk and thought "meh, not bad." Started focusing on "Hand" itself, then *POP* "TheHandThatFeeds" came to mind. Didn't even think until afterwards about the saying "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." Maybe that was a subconscious connection, beats me. But I was - and still am - very proud of that for the next five minutes after I made my account lol.
6 months

Story behind your username?

I was an amateur powerlifter and all around gym rat and weight lifter. I considered my the Minotaur, half man half beast. But I started getting fat and soft (and I’m pretty white 😆), so Marshmallow Minotaur.
6 months

Story behind your username?

I am a piggy and I am a feedee LOL
6 months

Story behind your username?

Many levels to my being HappyBigBelly.

I’m always sure to leave some happy and sweet comments for people, so that covers the happy. I have a big ball belly and absolutely adore my wife’s beautifully enormous tummy, so that covers the next two words :-)
6 months

Story behind your username?

I care about the environment. And its taste in music.
6 months

Story behind your username?

one is my name and one is an abbreviation of my sisters name
6 months
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