Lifestyle tips

Experimenting advice

Hello everyone! This is now going to be my third, and one of my on-going posts of my account. To make my issue short and sweet, I am having an issue. I believe that I may be a feedee in the terms of I want to be able to gain weight; furthermore, to gain that weight, I feel like I must go all in, or go all out. Is there any way I could be able to “experiment,” this feeling that I have? I know that if I do gain, it would be harder for me to lose the weight, but I want to see if there is any know-how tactic or a “trial,” in essence? I am just looking for ways to inevitably see myself as a future feedee or some other feederism type,”label.”Thanks for any comments, I am just in the need of advice right now.
4 years

Experimenting advice

I’d say about 5-10 lbs and see if you like it.
4 years

Experimenting advice

Well you could always try padding, I know a few people ( myself included) who do it because they don't want to gain actual weight but love the feeling of it.
4 years

Experimenting advice

I completely forgot about padding omg XD
4 years

Experimenting advice

As others have said, padding and stuffing are great ways to get a taste of what it's like to be bigger without gaining any weight. Or just gain a few pounds (which won't be noticeable to anyone but you unless you're very thin to start with) and see if you like it. Most importantly, have fun!
I think I might have to do padding, only because my metabolism (and I swear to god!), is almost like a child. I will eat a ton of huge meals all throughout the week, and still not gain anything! I don’t know if it’s because of my metabolism or my diet, but something is not working.
4 years

Experimenting advice

Definitely metabolism I struggle with that myself
4 years

Experimenting advice

I think a proper experiment would involve gaining enough that others notice. Probably at least a 12% gain.
4 years

Experimenting advice

But I guess more than 12% would be more ideal
4 years

Experimenting advice

As others have said, padding and stuffing are great ways to get a taste of what it's like to be bigger without gaining any weight. Or just gain a few pounds (which won't be noticeable to anyone but you unless you're very thin to start with) and see if you like it. Most importantly, have fun!

I think I might have to do padding, only because my metabolism (and I swear to god!), is almost like a child. I will eat a ton of huge meals all throughout the week, and still not gain anything! I don’t know if it’s because of my metabolism or my diet, but something is not working.

It may be your age....and when you're body is ready to hold onto some weight.
4 years

Experimenting advice

But I guess more than 12% would be more ideal

It's all about making up your mind. If you gain 12% and you make up your mind at that point, there's no point in experimenting further.

If you're still undecided whether to gain or lose after gaining 12%, stay there until you do decide.

If you gain 12% and are undecided but HAVE decided not to lose the experimental weight, why not do another experiment? Gain another 12% and re-evaluate.
4 years
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