Fat experiences

Philosophy of belly love

What is your personal philosophy of belly love? As in, why do you love bellies? What is it about bellies that makes them so great to you? What is your personal explanation for why you love them so much?
3 years

Philosophy of belly love

I love bellies because they're the most beautiful, sensual, amazing thing there is in the world to enjoy to me. A big belly is something that so many people hate who are considered "normal", but for me is something I love on myself and others and to me a big belly is the sexiest thing someone can have
3 years

Philosophy of belly love

My girlfriend found this video, and I think it does an amazing job cracking this one open...

"Every fetish or sexual obsession is really an imagined erotic solution to a real world anxiety"

What do you think?

I think, at least for me, that if my fascination with bellies is a solution to a real world problem, then it is a solution to the problem of fat being seen as ugly. I think the reason this is so accurate is because I really actually DO see fatphobia as a real world problem. For as long as I can remember, I have always seen it as a problem. So maybe my appreciation of bellies/fat stems from there.
3 years

Philosophy of belly love

it stems from a complete negative outlook i had on fat throughout my childhood for me for sure. i was pretty chubby and hated it. i was teased and called names at school, by my siblings, everywhere. at the time it really sucked but i’m over it and now i’m here.
3 years

Philosophy of belly love

It definitely stemmed from oogling them in public. Bonus if I was quietly told to "not stare" even though my parents didn't know I was looking out of fascination and not disrespect.

Everyone's is different, and to me, the bigger the better. I love how the shapes can be different. I love that there's always more to love. More to touch. More to rub or massage if it's a little bit full (or a lot more full). More to jiggle. More to knead.

It's all so hot to me.
3 years

Philosophy of belly love

1. Very good pillow
2. Soft and fun to play with
4. Physical representation of indulgence
5. Very good when cuddling
6. Did I mention cute?? They're cute
3 years

Philosophy of belly love

Love squishy bellys because

They are soft and squishy

They look cute when they jiggle

They make good pillows

They make cute noises...especially when hungry

They come im different colours, shapes and sizes.

They should be shown in bikinis and croppes tops no matter the size.
3 years

Philosophy of belly love

I have always enjoyed the spectrum of stomachs and all they have to offer. From chiseled abs, to pregnant bellies, slim tight angular middle, to doughy soft tummies. Just something I've always admired about the human form. Good food has always been a passion of mine and gluttony is my favorite sin....suppose that sets a path to favoring bigger overweight bellies the most.

Idk maybe being the center of the body, it's a vital group of muscles and organs to function. The core. The power house. The Mitochondria of the human body. (Sorry couldn't resist)

I tried to Google to try and find some deeper meaning to my attraction to stomachs but I got no where. I love this topic. What's the psychological reasoning behind the desire?

There is none....your born with it and develop it in later life
3 years

Philosophy of belly love

Some Married FA:
Why do you love bellies? What is it about bellies that makes them so great to you?

Honestly, it’s kind of hard to say one thing for sure; there’s quite a few reasons I like bellies. I like listening to stomach sounds, for one - gurgly bellies are always soothing and sensual in a way I can’t quite put. Fat is in general soft and smooth, plus it offers alot of chances to grab and toy with it. There’s also the freedom of beinng able to eat what you want until you feel full with no repercussions about looking like a pig or whatever.

It’s a multifaceted obsession, for me.
3 years

Philosophy of belly love

-The different sizes and shapes it can make

- How soft but with a stuffing can make it visibly hard, making noises from the food its trying to melt down then having it being added to itself to be bigger/softer. The belly can be huge and full but somehow still looks soft

- the belly hang, that litte part that I'd just want to love it the most

- muffintops, double belly, pear/apple shape bellies. The shape depending on the persons height

- I'd spend an entire day giving it love, (kiss, rub, play)

There needs to be a religion about it lol
3 years
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