Food and recipes

Eating for a day

I'm planning a day where I will hopefully eat all day almost nonstop tons of fatty and unhealthy food to gain weight as fast as possible and get as big as possible. Could I get some suggestions on what I should eat? I'm accepting all serious ideas
1 year

Eating for a day

doing it one day wont do anything
1 year

Eating for a day

Hey I was just asking, never said it may not happen other days later. Was just looking for input.
1 year

Eating for a day

I'm having a day like that.
So far I had a bagel with lots of butter with my coffee and cream. Then an hour later a bowl of Vector protein cereal with mostly 18% cream and a little milk for texture. I just drove through McDonald's for two sausage and egg mcmuffins and then through Time's for three Boston Cream Donuts.

When SO gets home he will assess my effort, decide if I get rewarded, and then he makes the dinner of his choice before I get dessert...
1 year