Fat experiences

How to get a double belly?

I’ve always wanted a double belly/B shaped belly. With a big fluffy muffin top and defined apron belly on the bottom. I think it’s so amazing when the top layer of a woman’s belly sits on top of the flap on the bottom and there’s a distinct line in the middle that divides the top and the bottom. Is there a way to get my belly to be shaped like that?
1 year

How to get a double belly?

Genetics unfortunately smiley
1 year

How to get a double belly?

That's the kind of belly that I want too
1 year

How to get a double belly?

genetics... yes. but maybe binding will help too? my ex wanted my boobs to be saggier so we/I kept the bound very firm.
Bound from under my arms to about half way down. pushed the fat and stretched my skin a lot.
1 year

How to get a double belly?

I thought it was wearing something tight around your belly for long enough it eventually forms.
1 year

How to get a double belly?

Genetics indeed plays a role in how a belly grows. Mine is just a visceral fat-laden beach ball. My wife’s belly has been enormous for years now :-) Her double belly sags and touches every surface she sits on :-)
1 year

How to get a double belly?

Genetics indeed plays a role in how a belly grows. Mine is just a visceral fat-laden beach ball. My wife’s belly has been enormous for years now :-) Her double belly sags and touches every surface she sits on :-)

That must feel so good to her to feel her big heavy belly resting on every surface she sits on. And enjoyable for you to get to see a huge double belly on her. I bet she looks amazing!
1 year

How to get a double belly?

I was 5 years old and underweight with a B belly, It is 100% genetics. There is nothing that can make you have a B Belly. It is 100% the way your fat sits, most of the time i was told it was tied with lipedema, or at least i have lipedema.

Here is me underweight with one, if you have a little top there regardless of weight, you will later develop a larger one if you gain, if not you will have a normal tummy .

1 year