
What ya listening to?

SOAD - steal this album
1 month

What ya listening to?

Currently listening to this on repeat:

1 month

What ya listening to?

Listened to WASP and a bit of Bryan Adams today.
1 month

What ya listening to?

Videos on my watch later list off of YouTube. Why looking at houses on Zillow and other apps.
1 month

What ya listening to?

A song of that I had been played over a few times when I’m on YouTube is a song called “Cool Up” by De Lux.

If you have ever played FIFA 21 or Forza Horizon 5 you might recognize this song.
1 month

What ya listening to?

All the vintage Christmas music... Darlene Love and such!
1 month

What ya listening to?

All the vintage Christmas music... Darlene Love and such!

She tours every Christmas. I saw her in NJ a week ago. Fantastic show.
1 month

What ya listening to?

All the vintage Christmas music... Darlene Love and such!

She tours every Christmas. I saw her in NJ a week ago. Fantastic show.

LOVE her. And she's still got a powerhouse voice. My parents always let me stay up and watch her annual Letterman performance when I was a kid. It was good to see her on The Tonight Show this year!
1 month

What ya listening to?

Last Podcast on the Left lol
1 month

What ya listening to?

Hertz- Amyl and The Sniffers

Yesss these guys are amazing. Saw them live last year. Can't wait to see them again
1 month
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