How to secretly add calories to my wife's meals?

Yes, actually. Secret feeding is, in fact, a crime. There are a lot of aspects to it:

Abuse, unauthorized food manipulation, assault if they have a medical reaction, etc.

I've seen some posts on this very site from users that survived secret feedings. Restraining orders and the police were involved. The guilty parties went to jail.

Also, Russia has historically stricter food related laws than America, so OP really has no legs to stand on.

That said, as a general rule of thumb, if you have to start debating the legality on an issue, it's a good sign you are in the wrong.

That’s surprising to me. And I’m not saying it’s wrong.

I’m sure it also happens for force feeding and restraining a partner against their will, as well as drugging them. I just can’t picture cops getting involved if someone said “I caught a partner slipping heavy cream into my coffee”.
2 weeks

How to secretly add calories to my wife's meals?

I want to fatten my wife, she's already obese, but sometimes eating not enough to gain. What i can use to increase her calorie intake so she can gain and gain a lot faster?

Be for REAL, man. The answer isn't going to change.

You *say* you're in Russia but if you just *happen* to not actually be there, and say, in the United States, it would benefit you to know that it's a federal felony to do this and one of the few crimes of this nature that's easy to prove and convict.

Just... FOOD for thought.

Is it actually illegal?

Like you obviously can't drug someone, but if you give someone food that's designed to make them fat... I mean, it's still just food - even if there are hidden intentions behind it.
2 weeks

Appetite stimulants

I tried Apetamin once several years ago, and each night I had really bizarre dreams.

The worst was the orange juice dream.

I dreamt I was chugging a big bottle of orange juice. I noted that the orange juice was warm, and seemed kind of thick and "lumpy" I chugged maybe half the bottle before stopping and looking at it. It was then that I realized the juice had a nasty mass of dead fruit flies floating it it. Like a big blob of them.

I woke up gagging and retching I was so repulsed, and it seemed SO real. UGH.
1 month

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

On the original topic, I once worked with a college-aged woman who went away for four months to Italy as part of an overseas study. Her boyfriend also worked with us.

When she came back from Italy, she gained what looked to be about 40 pounds… like she went from 130 to 170ish. Some went to her hips and butt, but most went to her love handles and a newly formed belly.

The part that made me really smile was when her boyfriend saw her new curves for the first time. The best way I can describe his face is: 🤩 (starry-eyed emoji if it doesn’t load here)
4 months

What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?

For me, personally, it would be something like... I meet a feeder - we have a lot of fun for the first few months or so. After 5 months, my weight has gone from 185 to 215... month six is a bit crazier, and at the end of the month I'm 235. I express concerns that I want to level off, and maintain this weight for a bit. I hit the gym, and find it much harder than I thought. Cravings are insane. Every workout makes me ravenous. I cheat here and there, and at the end of the month, I'm frustrated to find I only lost two pounds, down to 233.

The following month, I find things even more difficult, and many workouts are followed up with a burger and fries. To make things worse, my feeder begins rewarding my moments of weakness and gluttony with intense sexual release. And I slowly start to associate overeating with pleasure and reward. I still try to maintain my weight, but at the end of the month, I step on the scale and... "oh no... fuck fuck fuck..." - The scale reads 247.

In that moment, I question if I'll ever lose or even maintain my weight. Maybe I'll plateau somewhere. The past two months have kinda sucked, trying to keep things in check. And for what? To gain another twelve pounds anyway? Why not just lean into it?

I realize I have three hours before I see my feeder. A devilish thought crosses my mind. I wonder how she'll react if I can get myself up to 250 this evening...
6 months

"searching for a story" thread

Butter On A Pop Tart:
I'm looking for one I saw several years ago.

A woman goes to a BBQ with her husband/boyfriend's family. She's a bit overweight, and hides it by wearing a corset.

The BF/husband's aunt sees through her deception, and realizes she's a fat girl at heart (or something to that affect) - and keeps bringing her food, which she can't resist. She stuffs herself to the point of pain, and finally bursts out of her corset.

Not a lot of details. I thought maybe the story was on Dimensions - but I wasn't able to find it. No idea on the title.

Spoop Skerry:
Sounds somewhat similar to Katy:a fattening story on the old Dimensions stories, on StudioFA's page.
Just one problem: no corset. Maybe you've got two stories crossed?

Nope - not that. The one I'm looking for took place over a single day. And I specifically remember the corset bursting.
1 year

"searching for a story" thread

I'm looking for one I saw several years ago.

A woman goes to a BBQ with her husband/boyfriend's family. She's a bit overweight, and hides it by wearing a corset.

The BF/husband's aunt sees through her deception, and realizes she's a fat girl at heart (or something to that affect) - and keeps bringing her food, which she can't resist. She stuffs herself to the point of pain, and finally bursts out of her corset.

Not a lot of details. I thought maybe the story was on Dimensions - but I wasn't able to find it. No idea on the title.
1 year

Adding 2 donuts per day will make me fat?

If you eat everything you normally would to maintain your weight and don’t increase activity, two donuts per day extra will gradually increase your weight. If you say each donut is about 200 calories, you’d be eating an extra 400 calories per day.

So two extra donuts per day would probably mean a gain of about 3-4 pounds in a month. Doesn’t sound like a whole lot, but if you keep it up, you’re looking at 40 pounds in a year, which is a significant gain.
1 year

What age did you discover you were into this

Honestly, like 4 or 5. I was really into the cartoon where the pig gets force fed until he’s massive… Templeton the rat gorging himself until he’s got a big sloshing belly… and the story of Hansel and Gretel

I think at one point I admitted I would have kept tricking the witch until I was really fat… I remember being disappointed he didn’t appear fatter in the illustrations.
1 year

300 calories every 30 minutes

I want to try this challenge out. Wake up early, maybe 6:00am, and eat 300 calories every 30 minutes until midnight or so. It would come out to about 11,000 calories.

I feel like this could be done somewhat easily if the 300 calorie “doses” are quick to eat and are in enough variety. Like I wouldn’t want to eat 300 calories of potato chips or chocolate bars every 30 minutes for 18 hours.

Looking for suggestions on how to do this. It’s something I want to try for myself - and possibly try to extend it to multiple days in a row. Id definitely chronicle my progress here and on Feabie too.
2 years
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