The krispy creme cheeseburger..........

I read this this evening at

Krispy Creme Cheeseburger A Summer Hit

Updated: Thursday, 05 Aug 2010, 10:56 AM EDT
Published : Thursday, 05 Aug 2010, 10:40 AM EDT

(CANVAS STAFF REPORTS) - As junk food goes, this could be the ultimate, over-the-top, have-to-try-once, sweet-and-savory treat.

It's a burger with cheese and bacon sandwiched between a Krispy Kreme doughnut – the "Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger."

Some consider this the world's unhealthiest snack, but it is making the rounds and showing up at state fairs and ball paks across the country.

Despite its 10 grams of sugar, diabetic diner Floyd Schuetz couldn't pass one up at a recent minor league baseball game near St. Louis.

"Oh, I'll have another one of these," he said to CBS News .

Another three fans at the Gateway Grizzlies game – two in their 80s – chose the Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger over traditional baseball fare of peanuts and crackerjacks.

You have the sandwich for breakfast, lunch or dinner for $4.50 at a Grizzlies game.

The Grizzlies aren't the only business selling the sweet-tooth burger. You can also get one at the Wisconsin State Fair. The Machine Shed will sell the burger for a limited time during the state fair, reports KCCI-TV .

The New York Daily News reported that the donut burger was pioneered in the South and popularized by Food Network host Paula Deen and it was a big hit at last year's Big E fair in Massachusetts.

The burger concept has even been pegged to singer Luther Vandross.

The urban legend-tracking website can't confirm this story, but some believe Vandross created a sandwich consisting of an all-beef patty between two glazed doughnuts when he ran out of hamburger buns. The sandwich is sometimes called a "Luther Burger."
13 years

New cd release a tribute to fat girls everywhere!

A really good buddy of mine, AJ Confessore, has made some really great music CD's in the past, all of them having some kind of theme.

Well, it's clear that we share an appreciation for BBW's, and when he let me know last year that he was putting together a music project that would be a tribute to the curvy girls of the world, I was in heaven!

Well, that project has finally come to fruition, and the cool thing is that people who have attended the past 2 New Jersey Bashes have already heard a couple of tracks from his CD. It's great music, made by some really great (and famous) musicians and singers, and it will officially hit the streets in August, but I thought I'd share his press release with you now.

The disc is appropriately named "Whole Lotta Love", and there's a fair chance you'll be hearing more of AJ at our next Jersey BBW Bash, tentatively scheduled for the weekend of October 1-3, in Springfield, NJ


PS - The teaser pic for the CD release is of the very sexy Big Cutie Brooke.

14 years

Am i a bad person

These are some of the most articulate posts I've ever read here. Here you have a forum of people, many of whom enjoy the feeder/feedee/foodee lifestyle waxing eloquently about how this situation is just wrong.

I think you're delusional if you think that you aren't contributing to her weight gain. What do you mean, it's her fault if she has no willpower? What about you, do you have willpower? Can you NOT bring fattening foods in the house.

The second you started preparing fattening meals for her, you became an active feeder, and you can't escape that. If all other aspects of your relationship are good (and I can't imagine how they could be, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt), then you must allow her to be herself in the relationship, or one of you should end it.

And while Boo Boo Kitty may be right, you may be co-dependent, I think your active participation with an unwilling "victim" might make you less co-dependent, and somewhat sadistic.

This is not judging in any way.....just the way I see it. Perhaps if you were honest with yourself, you'd own up to it, and do one of the 2 right things to do in this situation.....1. Make her happy, and allow her to be herself or 2. End the relationship.

And yes, Cookie is on a roll.
14 years

An open letter to all fas

Helper wrote

I don't really believe in judging most people over most things, I am a big believer in "to each their own", so to me most forms of negative judging are regressive. Call that "not having balls" if you'd like, but I call it the path to a more accepting society.

Helper, my original post was not directed at you, simply a general response to what I consider to be a prevalent attitude among many FA's.

You say you find most negative forms of judging regressive. Does it bother you that most fat people are judged several hundred times a day by people, with snarky looks & comments? I see it on a daily basis. Maybe I'm more sensitive to it because of my time in this community, but it really does exist.

So, how does one deal with that negative judging? In your case, you choose one path, I choose another. I don't know if your way will change the world's perception of fat people, as I don't know if mine is a better way.

During the civil rights movement in th 1950's & 60's, for every person who marched with the very peaceful Martin Luther King, there was an equal group who marched with the more militant Malcom X. King showed peaceful restraint (you), whereas I am more than willing to get in someone's face (X). Either way, if the end result is more fat acceptance, then the stigma of being with a fat person goes away for the "closet" FA.

And having balls is standing up for what you believe in, which you've already done by your follow up post.
14 years

An open letter to all fas

Pix3Styx wrote
wrestlingguy wrote

By the way, big women like guys with balls.

We should all cheer and wave flags, this is amazing.
It takes a very strong man to be an out fa.
Go you. ^ ^

lolz, very funny & sarcastic......go me......ahahahaha.

I'm a bit older than 19, and my impressive days are long since over. As a veteran to being a FA, my days are now spent talking to a lot of the younger guys that attend the New Jersey bash that I run, and praying they can help change the minds of the rest of the world with regard to fat acceptance.

Hopefully, you will have a satisfying relationship with someone who is proud to have you with him. Then again........
14 years
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