Mcdonald’s/kfc stuffing challenges!

When I was in high school the Big Mac had its 25th anniversary. McDonalds had a 25 cent Big Mac promotion and a classmate had 23 Macs in 2 days.

I know it isn't the challenge above, but it reminded me of that guy.
2 years


I can't think of any specifically off the top of my head. Use a search engine with a specific tag you'd like "weight gain tumblr" "BBW tumblr" "Big bellies..." etc.

Click on any tumblr link. Some pages are better than others. Almost all have links to other tumblr pages. This rabbit hole could be dangerous. Lol.
2 years


I'm not on Pintrest, but I agree with Tumblr. So good!
2 years

Bigger clothing

So I'm officially taking the plunge. I just bought some new, larger clothing. The pants I bought are not the next waist size up (which would fit me now), but two sizes.

I kept some of my older, bigger clothes, but not nearly enough. I should have known better. Might have to hit a second-hand store for a few more shirts.
2 years

How many people share this kink??

You should come down South sometime. While I wouldn't say it's a fetish, we do feed people a lot. Ours is a very food-centric culture with cooking being it's own love language.[/quote]

I would love to visit the south. I think I would fit right in! Kind of a goal of mine to do a Diners, Drive-ins and Dives tour.
2 years

Gaining again?

I suppose there's only one way to find out.

I'm gonna find out!
2 years

Gaining again?

Slow and steady wins the to speak!

I wonder if my gain will look different this time. Or if it will still mostly go to my gut.
2 years

Gaining again?

All you gotta do is let your stomach shrink back down a bit.

The key is finding the sweet spot where I will continue to gain - just not at a 15lbs in 3 weeks pace! Long term, I want to get back to 260 and possibly beyond. I'm not sure what that timeline looks like.

Over the years my weight has yo-yoed. Every time I re-gain, I get a rush from seeing the numbers on the scale climb quickly. This time is no different. Being in my 40's, however, I figure it's better for my health to go slower.
2 years

Where are all the 40+ folks hiding?

Around the year 2000, I checked Dimensions daily, Yahoo groups and was a huge fan of Brooke and her amqzing growing belly.

Before then I thought I was on my own with this fetish. It was reassuring to know I wasn't the only one.
2 years

Gaining again?

I weighed myself today: 203.8!

I've made the decision that I enjoy this too much to stop. Having said that, I don't think it's a good idea to continue at this pace.

The problem is I've been averaging over 4500 calories a day and am constantly hungry. I'm not sure how easy it will be to cut back and not feel like I'm starving.
2 years
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